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It was pouring outside. Seulgi was clueless as to when it began raining. She walked across the street, slowly. Maybe if someone did feel pity for her, they could just run her over. But of course, Seulgi decided not today.

Peter, on the other hand, scratched curiously at his head when seeing Seulgi cross the street. The clouds were now gray.

"May, I think Seulgi's coming over" Peter shouted frantically picking up his dirty laundry and stuffing it into his closet. Peter didn't want Seulgi to comment on his thor underwear again.

"Fine, I'll be in my room" May entered Peter's room with a candle. Peter took the candle and stared confused at May. "It smells awful in here" She gave him a pack of matches and walked into her room. Aunt May sometimes wondered if giving them their privacy would make Peter finally kiss the girl. It was all oblivious in May's eyes, they loved each other more than siblings.

Seulgi knocked on the door, her hair curled up. She heard the locks click and Peter's face appeared. His arm leaned against the doorway but he accidentally kicked the door. He stayed in that position until he saw his friend's eyes slightly the same color of her cheeks.

"Come in" Peter paused closing the door. He grabbed a blanket on a stool and gave it to Seulgi. She wrapped it around herself and stayed out there with Peter.

"Can we, um go to your room" Seulgi fiddled with her fingers pulling up the blanket. Peter nodded somewhat startled of her presence.

The door was shut closed and Seulgi sat on Peter's bed while he sat in front of her on his swirly chair. Hair strands stuck to her forehead. She sat on the blanket because she didn't want Peter's bed to be wet when he wanted to go to sleep.

"So what happened.." Peter asked nibbling on the end of a pen. Seulgi shrugged and threw her phone onto the floor.

"Jongin's coming back" Seulgi started swinging her feet up to the bed. Her legs crisscrossed with her hands borrowed deep into the creases of her legs. Peter jumped up, excited that he would be able to see Gian again. Maybe Gian could give Peter advice on how to express his liking to someone.

"That's a good thing" Peter simpered, he moved around in his chair. Seulgi glanced between him and the floor. That's a great thing, she thought. "Is it not" Peter frowned sliding closer to her. Seulgi closed her eyes and fell back onto her bed. Her back was stabbed by one of Peter's lego pieces.

"I don't know" Seulgi whimpered placing a pillow over her face. The awkward tension grew between them again.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Peter stood up and got rid of his shy grin. He retrieved a few tissues and sat next to Seulgi's lying body. His hand rested on her shoulder.

"Why is it that nothing goes right with me, Peter" Her voice quivered. Peter opened his mouth but he didn't know what she meant. His hand gave her a light squeeze. Seulgi began crying. Peter worried if maybe he squeezed her too tight.

"Seulgi, don't cry. You know I'm sensitive" Peter begged running both his hands up and down her arm. Seulgi's cries triggered his sensors. His best friend was sobbing in front of him and he could do nothing.

"I can't even wash dishes without breaking a plate" Seulgi complained sitting up. She saw the tissues and took one. Peter blinked furiously not knowing what to do or what to say.

"And everyone thinks I'm this mean, stuck up and judgemental person because I don't smile or do shit" Seulgi confessed not hiding her true feelings from Peter. He had to understand why she was like this.

"It's just terrifying, Peter. I don't want to bring any more toxic people into my life, they took advantage of my weakness" Seulgi stared up at the bunk bed. Her tears stopped spilling down and went back into her stinging eyes.

Peter ran a hand over his face and decided to screw it. He softly tackled Seulgi in a bear hug. His eyes shut closed as her trembling breath ran down his neck. Her chest shook each time she cried out loud. Seulgi felt Peter's hands rub around her back. She grabbed onto him not wanting to let go.

"I care about you," Peter told her squeezing her.

"There's a reason we've stayed friends for 12 years now" He reminded Seulgi who was crying into his gray shirt. "When they all left me, you stayed" Peter choked still hearing Uncle Ben tell him his parents were no longer going to come back. Or when Aunt May told Peter Uncle Ben would never be back.

"You shouldn't be alone" Seulgi sniffled leaning against his head.

"Neither should you" He removed himself from her hold "I know you've been crying in the janitors closet" Peter cupped Seulgi's face which was in pure shock.

"I'm sorry I never told you" Seulgi looked down ashamed of not informing Peter of her actions. This created more guilt in Peter, he was holding onto an even bigger secret.

"Seulgi, I have to tell you something. You have to promise not to freak out" Peter sighed holding onto her small fragile hands. The sun was setting only at 5. The window was still light with the grayness from the outside.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now