Chapter 44 - Fight Club

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My parents were downstairs, my mom watering plants and my dad was packing groceries in the fridge.

Matt was no where to be seen, thank goodness. Matt has been harassing me about that eventful dinner ever since.

Tyler was visibly nervous like he was going to puke up a bunch of butterflies.

"Mr and Mrs Bunsel-"

Cue the raging bull. Matthew burst through the door and stared accusingly at Tyler.

"You!" He lunged at Tyler and he stepped out of the way. Matt punched a hole in the wall and my dad rushed to pull Matt back. My mom stood in front of me protectively and while Tyler tried to explain himself.

Tyler's parents walked in as Matthew turned into a werewolf and ran straight for Tyler, knocking over the side table and vase in the process of this cat and mouse game.

"What the hell is going on with you two?!" Tyler's mom screamed and both boys came to a halt.

"He's been dating Bree and then had the fucking audacity to lie to me and break her heart. Now I'm going to break his neck" Matt raised his fist as my mom cleared her throat.

"Matthew!" He stared at her angrily and calmed down back into human form. "Have you ever asked your sister how she feels?"

He looked at me now rushing over to Tyler and caressing his face to check for injuries. I knew he wouldn't fight Matt back because Matt he every reason to be mad in his head.

Everyone was now staring at us as I helped Tyler up.

"Six months, we've been dating for six months. I was planning to surprise Bree with cookies and tell everyone but that never went as planned. Matt, I'm sorry for not telling you and Mr and Mrs Bunsel.." He took a deep breath and I squeezed his hand while intertwining our fingers. "I know it's too late to ask your permission but your daughter means everything to me and I'd like to make it official granted your blessing"

My mom's hands were placed on her heart and my dad calm. Matt was fuming like a broken tractor.

"Absolutely not" Matt interjected.

"You know what-" I darted my eyes at Matt. Tyler grabbed my shoulder saying 'don't' but as if I'd listen.

I continued with "You're a real hypocrite Matt. I can't date your friends but you can practically fuck mine on the couch? You didn't have the balls to tell me about you and Grace and when you did, I didn't rage on you. Besides your opinion is irrelevant so go chase your tail of be a good boy and sit."

"Bree! Matthew!" Our parents shouted.

My dad shook Tyler's hand while saying "Hurt her and I'll dress you like lettuce and feed you to the snails. A slow agonising death." Tyler smiled as my mom hugged him too tightly.

"So Jerry, I have a 3 hour game scheduled. What do you say we crack a cold one, ey?" Tyler and I's dad's walked into the kitchen. Matt and I were in total disbelief.

Tyler walked up to Matt as Tyler's mom Eleanor walked and embraced me in a hug. "I've always liked you" she kissed my cheek and followed my mom into the kitchen.

"Truce?" Tyler held out his hand and Matt took it. "Truce but only because I need my Call Of Duty partner."

Nothing could breathe smile off of my face. Tyler pecked my lips as we heard Matt phone Grace. He started telling her about Tyler and I but obviously, she already knew.

"I just want to love you and take you on cute dates and fuck you and buy you food" he kissed the top of my head as I registered what he said.

"Well.. Your house is empty right now"

He chuckled and tilted my chin up "Yeah but you'll scream so loud that the neighbours will hear.. and I don't think your parents want to hear that" he gently slapped my ass as he joined Matt in a game of cod.

Grace ran in and enveloped me in a bear hug. Dinner for 8?

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