Chapter 20 - Wobbly Tables

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Tyler's P.O.V

How could I be so stupid? I kissed her. I actually kissed her. I don't know if I should apologize or do it again.

"Why are you such a fuck up?" I covered my face with my hands as I sank into my bed.

Just seeing her leave school today made me feel guilty. Was it my fault? I've been at home for about an hour but I can't bring myself to go over there. I'll just tell Matt I'll meet him at Nancys.


"Oh my god I love your skinny jeans" yet another attempt to get in my pants. I'd arrest her for breaking into boys pants if I could.

"Nancy, have you seen Matt?"

"Yeah I think he's in the kitchen getting punch or something now-" I walked away from her to Matt hitting on Grace in the kitchen which then lead to the bedroom.

"Back the fuck up you soggy lampshade" the one and only ladies and gentlemen, Bree Bunsel. She was still in her bunny costume, she added make up and heels and I must say she looked untouchably sexy.

Before someone turns around and bitch slaps her, I took her hand and led her to the passage. I needed to apologize.

"Um, Officer Monroe?"

"Mhmm?" My chest tightened at her calling me that. It was kind of kinky.

"Um w-what did you mean by you're going crazy?"

I froze, not knowing how to phrase want I wanted to say at all.

"Bree, you make me go crazy. I just want to hold your hand and keep you safe but also kiss you and fuck your brains out sometimes." The verbal diarrhoea is just flowing.

"I don't know how to reply to any of that"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you today. I shouldn't even be telling you any of this so maybe just.." she seemed zoned out or as if her mind is overstimulated by my words. "Bree are you even listening?"

"Kiss me" the words seemingly left her lips in slow motion.

"What?" Did I hear that right? Am I hallucinating? Is the fbi tapping into my brain?

"I said-" she continued.

"Oh, I know what you said but I think Matt is busy fucking someone's soul out in the bedroom behind us. I don't think you'd want your brother so see us lip locked and tongue tied."

"I didn't need to know that, you wet sock" I'd rather leave out the detail that it's Grace he's going all super smash bro on.

She had my heart racing as I watched a now tipsy Bree shaking her cottontail with Lucy and Anne. Devan came over and took her hand which made me do a double take.

"Yo Dev, Matt said I have to take her home" Devan was quite drunk. If I didn't take her home he would've taken her. To the bedroom. To do the nasty.

"Don't be a wobbly table, Tyyy" Bree whined like a baby.

"Bree, you're being a wobbly table" I lightly pushed her and she gripped on me for balance. "Plus, I'll have to give you a ticket for driving under the influence if I don't take you home."


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