Chapter 3 - Hunger Games

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Opening the fridge for the seventh time today I sigh and lean against the island in the kitchen.

"I don't understand fridge.. you're meant to be there for me, I've given you love, filled you up, for christ sake I've touched you. But you.. you're never there in my time of need.. My time of hunger" I fake sobbed while flipping off the fridge off.

"Holy crap you're weird"

I knew that was Tyler, his voice was honestly the sexist thing ever. Deep and sweet but dominating when it wanted to be. How does he not drool when he's talking? His voice is absolutely mouthwatering.

"Earth to Bree" I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me but I still keep my eyes closed.

Yeah keep talking, keep letting that sweet honey nectar drip from your tongue. Sorry, too much?

"Bree, are you okay?" Shame, he sounded worried.

"Can I just please have sex with your voice." I groan glancing at him now in front of me.

He tilts my chin up, staring into my eyes while trapping me between the counter and his body.

"How about take you right here right now on this counter instead, hmm?"

"Sorry I don't wanna be like the ninth girl you've taken on the counter" I cross my arms and stick my tongue out at him.

He then lifts me up so I'm sitting on the counter, arms now against Tyler's chest while he stands between my legs.

"For the record, I've only ever had one girl on the counter."

"When?" I asked a little too quickly and he laughed at my urgency while opening the fridge.

He glanced over his shoulder and nonchalantly answered. "About a few seconds ago." He points to me on the counter.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Relief and the fact I can continue sitting on the counter knowing herpes won't be seeping into my sweatpants.

Tyler booped my nose with some fresh cream and yawned. I stared at his fangs as he closed his mouth. Is it weird I really wanna stick my finger in his mouth and touch them? I mean can't blame me for being curious, I don't have cool tooth knives.

"Done staring at my perfection?" I blushed realising I was staring.

"Nah I was actually looking for it since it's nowhere to be found." I mentally high fived myself. 10/10 boo.

"Might need to get your vision checked because clearly you're blind." He rolled his eyes and wiped the cream off my nose. "But hey, I'll check you later and by that I mean I'll check you out later. I need to go home and shower"

"I'm not a book Tyler, no need to check me out"

"Really? I see fine print all over you" with that he walked out of my front door and said to tell Matt he's leaving.

I swear that boy is something else.

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