Chapter 9 - Where's Waldo, I mean Matt

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As I walked into the cafeteria everyone's head turned to look at me. I swear I heard necks snap at how instantly everyone turned. Not surprised if they actually got whiplash.

Nathan patted the area next to him as I slid beside him. Okay shows over, look away peasants.

"Why is everyone staring?" He smirked as he moved some hair behind my ear.

Turning, I buried my face in the crook of his neck "Please tell me you actually haven't heard"

"Sorry, wish I could but you really showed up the big dogs"

"I swear people forget Matt is my brother"

Lucy sat down opposite me and pushed up her glasses.

"Honestly Bree, it's a Monday and you're already being a drama llama"

"Says the undercover wild child who could probably uncork champagne with her butthole"

"Shhh! No one must know about my alter ego" she looked around suspiciously and pointed a knife at Jeff as soon as he sat down.

"Woah, have we already resorted to murder for today's events?" Jeff raised his hands while backing up.

"Nah sit your fine ass down, she's just paranoid that you were the fbi finally coming to get her" I said as she flipped me off.

Finally school ended, biology dragged on for centuries. I was walking with Anne and Lucy to Matt's car just to make sure I wouldn't die. On the bench to the right of the doors, we had the pleasure of the populars sitting there.

Nancy was sitting on Sam but was facing Tyler. He looked like he was watching paint dry. Matthew was no where to be found and Devon was already reversing out of the parking lot. I wonder where he could be. Hiding because his sister annihilated him? Yeah probably.

"Tylerrr" Nancy whined kicking her feet like a child. "I know you like playing hard to get, baby" she placed her hand on his chest as Sam looked at them, rolling his eyes. I smiled at Sam and he smiled back mouthing 'You're it' or 'You're shit'. I mean both is true, I am the shit.

"Gross" Anne glared at Nancy as Lucy seemed mesmerized by Sam. Oh god, not you too Lucy.

Sam and Tyler seemed to simultaneously shove Nancy so she landed on the gravel.

"Nancy, you know I'd kill you with one bite right?" Tyler casually mentioned as he stepped over her. "Besides, I don't feed from just anyone."

Tyler's eyes locked with mine as he winked and stuck out his tongue. My eyes went as big as the moon and Anne, Lucy and Nancy all stared at me. Did they catch that or do they sense the tension like I do? The air needs to be massaged to relieve this.


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