Chapter 5 - And they called it puppy looove

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"Ty stop, I don't wanna get up. It's a Sunday for fuck sakes" I shoved my head further into my pillow. It smelled so good.

"Someone isn't a morning person, then again I wouldn't want to get up either if I was cuddling a hot guy"

"No homo though, right?"

I opened my eyes and saw that my arms were around him. I must've passed out last night.

I sat up and immediately pushed my temples, holy cow dung if felt like donkey Kong was throwing barrels against my brain.

"Ow ow oww" I whimpered which caused Tyler to look at me amused. "You did this" I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Okay but you did this" he licked my finger I pointed out at him. I flinched nervously as he smirked. Can I just die right here?

Walking downstairs I saw Jarred and Matthew in the kitchen. Jarred is part of the pack and it looks like they ordered pizza. Hell yeah my morning just got ten times better. And the booty 'bout to get ten times fatter.

I slid the slice of heaven in my mouth, letting out a moan of goodness. Cheesy mouth orgasms are happening right now. It's way better than it sounds.

Matthew, Jarred and Tyler all stared at me. Matthew with more warning and Jarred looked like he was about to jump down my throat tongue first.

I saw Jarred adjust his pants as Matthew hit the back of his head. Hard. Harder than his pencil weenie right now.

"Fuck dude I'm sorry, you know I'm on edge and that.. that was really-"

And Jarred takes another hit.

I turn to see Tyler shooting daggers at Jarred with clenched fists. Calm down my dudes, it's a Sunday. Sunday Funday, this definitely isn't fun.

Pulling Tyler down by his t-shirt to face me I whispered just for him to hear.

"You need calm down, you know I only make those sounds for you" I winked and walked into the lounge. We always tease each other like that but I think we both know there's an underlying truth to our words.

I hopped on the couch and had a sneezing fit. Oh no, I'm getting siiick.

"It's all your fault" I shouted at my finger while disciplining it with the other. "You just love being shoved where you don't belong. Why you like this"

"Do I even want to know?"

"Matty I'm getting sick" I whined as he hid behind Jarred and Tyler.

"No way am I getting sick, I need my health especially this week"

I groaned knowing it was Nancy Green's party this Friday. Who that may be you ask? Just the biggest hoe I know. She settles for anything, literally. Dogs, bloodsuckers even shrek. Then again who wouldn't. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

She basically loves feeding the sexual urges of werewolves and feeds the vampires. Bite marks are clearly evident on her arms and legs, never neck. At least she's smart about that, she'd be turned if that happened.

Long story short, she's one of the populars because she gets around. Her friends on the other hand aren't like her, sure they're a hoe for show but in real life they're slightly more modest than Nancy. Slightly.

Matthew being on heat and getting tired of his right hand, is going to the party to get that bobs and vagene. It's an easy satisfaction to his craving.

"You're going to be sick either way. Sick with puppy love or as sick as a dog." I coughed while still smiling sweetly.

Matthew would definitely kill Tyler if he knew about the bite.


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