Chapter 25 - How Romantic

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Tyler wanted to take me out on Tuesday (tomorrow) but we both had no idea how to explain it to Matt. I mean I barely go out so it's a little suspicious. I can't even tell anyone.

"Matt can you stop being a half chewed pencil and give me the cereal"

"Not until you tell me where you're going tomorrow"

"Fine I'll starve"

Sighing, he handed me the cereal.

"I just don't want to worry about you"

"Liar, you just want to know who he is so you can kill him"

Matt left by himself this morning because of his little hissy fit.

"Gone?" Tyler popped his head through the door. I nodded almost ready to leave. "See you at school, Bunny" he pecked me quickly which slapped a smile on my face. It feels like I'm dreaming.

Over and over in my head I kept contemplating whether to tell Grace or not so I have an alibi, I mean she is my best friend.

Snapping me out of thought, Nancy slammed her fists down on the oak desk in front of me.

"Who gave Tyler those hickeys? I know you know Bunsel. He's all buddy buddy with your brother, it's plain to know you have the answer" her eyes narrowed at me.

I turned to Anne next to me who was giving Nancy a 'wtf' look.

"How about you brush your teeth with menstrual blood?" Chaos sparkled in Anne's eyes.

"I don't know, ask your colony of ants" I say pointing to her friends.

She stomped away and I relaxed a bit. Nancy was low key terrifying.

Finally, hoooome.

"My hands are so cold" Grace rubbed her hands on her thighs.

"The ghosts are holding your hands"

"How romantic" we laughed as things quieted down to that anticipating silence where it's kinda awkward and you feel like you'll throw up.

"Grace, I need you to keep a secret"


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