Chapter 8 - Adventure Time!

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As I walked to class, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to notice I had accidentally taken Matt's phone. As much as I'd love to snoop through his phone, class was starting soon. Luckily a message on his home screen said "Yo gloryhole, coming to chem??" Which means he was currently in the lab.

I made my way to the lab, bumping into Grace on the way.

"Hey aren't we meant to be going to-"

"No class time, it's adventure time!" I pulled Grace and started dragging her to the lab. I took the 'come on grab your friends' literally.

"Where are we-"

"With Matt the dog and Grace the human, the fun will never end!" I sang as I felt Grace pulling back.

"No no no! We're not going into a room of seniors and I'm especially not seeing Matt" I stopped in front of the doors to the lab, pushing Grace in first. Grace has a mammoth sized crush on my brother and thinks she can hide it from me. Silly silly Grace, her cheeks turn the same colour as her hair when she sees him.

I strutted my stuff like I owned the white house and sat right on Matt, obviously cockblocking him from some female he was talking to. Grace awkwardly stood there making eye contact with Matt then looking away faster than The Flash could. It wasn't hard to see we attracted a lot of attention because what were we doing in a seniors class, firstly. Secondly what are we doing talking to the "populars".

"Hey Matty, I clearly see your atoms are positively attracted to all her negatives but there's definitely no chemistry here unless the only big bang you're planning is in bed" Matt's face was flushed with embarrassment as the girl rolled her eyes impatiently.

"Are you guys like, a thing or something?" She asked, lipstick evident in her teeth and her bubblegum dull from chewing it so much.

"Of course, Matty loves me just like a brother would, you know? I mean I don't want to sound incesty or anything but we're planning to have dysfunctional children just like you some day" I touched my heart as fake tears welled in my eyes.

Grace was holding a laugh in, Devon and Tyler seemed like they choked on spit laughing.

"Please just fuck off" Matt said while handing me my phone.

"Aww, loves ya honeybun" I blew a kiss to him as I walked out. I'm so dead when schools over.

Triumphantly I walked to my class, Grace telling me about what I just did is going to gain so much gossip at lunch. The only sip I'm trying to get is a milkshake like damn Grace, it's only first period.


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