Chapter 29 - Utterly Stuttered

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Bree's P.O.V

It's been 2 hours since I've been home trying to do my calculus homework. I'm hopeless at math plus it won't be needed for anything I plan in the future. Spoiler: it's nothing. Calculus felt like I was watching a foreign movie without the subtitles.

"Solve your own problems, math!" Leaning back on my chair and throwing my pencil down, I finally gave up.

"Need some help?" Sure Tyler and Matt are above me but they seem like total dumbasses who only know how to divide legs and multiply the population. If you think I'm going to say no to Tyler's beautiful voice, you're wrong.

"Are you any good at calculus though? Because if I'm failing I'd rather do it alone"

"A little.. I could definitely subtract those clothes off your body if you needed" He sat next to me and started explaining the equation to me. Of course I wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention, probably why I'm failing.

"And I thought you were dumb"

"I'm on scholarship, Bree. I can't afford to be absent minded like you"

"Scholarship? You're a total dork" I pinched his cheeks, he clearly wasn't amused. "Tell me more"

"We can save it for our date later"

Oh shit that reminds me that I have to phone Grace!

I held my finger up to indicate 'hold on' and I phoned Grace. Tyler tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Graciepoo I need you to be my alibi tonight!" "How the monkeybutt am I supposed to that?!" "I'll tell Matt I'm going to your house so stay low like your standards" "I hate you" "thanks lovies you too!"

That's done. Time to phone Matt.

"Yo Mattie, I'm going to" my voice hitched in my throat as I felt Tyler's lips latch onto my neck. He trailed kisses as I froze completely. "Helloooo?" Matt dragged out on the other end. "S-sorryy I'm going to" I bit my lip "Grace tonight" I breathed out. I can't do this. "Are you okay?" Matt not now. "Perfect, see you laterr"

I hung up and Tyler pulled away.

"Not bad, when you're mine you won't be able to formulate a single word."

"Hey" taking my hand in his before he could turn away "are you hungry?"

"Bree you don't have to-"

"Come on" I lowered my t-shirt and hinted to the spot he should bite. "Be an artist and draw some blood"

Tyler lowered himself to me and slowly broke the skin, literally drinking me in. The feeling was almost getting pleasurable, call me crazy but maybe it's because there's some intimacy to having him this close.

I brushed his hair back, pulling him closer and sighing in satisfaction. I tugged his hair as soon as I felt him take too much.

"You need to stop me, Bree" I looked into his concerned eyes with my hazy ones.

"Is it bad that I want you to keep going?"


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