Chapter 23 - I Don't Need a Man

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Sam grabbed Lucy and darted downstairs. Oh I'll get you both *whips out a real gun* No more games.

"Okay so we're going to order pizza, everyone get out so I can look pretty for the pizza boy"

"But you always look pretty" Grace wrapped herself around my leg.

"You just want to perve on me while I get dressed"

"Well yeah, I need to know what boobs look like some how" Grace is part of the itty bitty titty committee.

Tyler was the only one who never left my room. His eyes burned holes into my scalp as I changed into a cropped hoodie and black skinnies.

"You and the eyes at the back of my head are currently having a stare off" I say turning around.

"How drunk were you last night?"

"0% because I was just tipsy, why?"

"Remember anything?"

"I remember that" I say, pointing to his neck. "Do they go further?" I asked kind of embarrassed.

"Not further than my pecs, no." I mentally high fived myself. "But if you wanted, I'd let you go as low as you want." I blushed as he added "Also I'm fetching the pizza, so you better look your cutest for me" with that, he left.

"Pfft I always look cute anyway" I judged myself in the mirror.

All the boys went to go get food so it was just Lucy, Anne, Grace and I.

"I'm sick of boys" Anne sighed throwing her phone next to her. "I agree, I don't need a man" I held her hand. Before we knew it we were all acting like The Pussycat Dolls singing 'i don't need a man'.

"I don't need a man to make it happen, I get off being free" we all chanted while in typical girl band positions and using remotes as microphones.

"Is that so?"

We all faced the door as the boys stared at us amused. Tyler's eyes on me, Sam's on Lucy and Matt's on Grace. Isn't this ironic.

"Hecka yeah it is" Anne shouted answering their question.


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