Chapter 19 - Party Peasants

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"I'll be there in ten minutes! I promise!"

"Uggghhhh" I whined as Lucy hung up. My house is way too quiet and it's freaking me out.

Finally Lucy got here and damn if I weren't straight I'd be all up on that.

"It took you long enough, I hope all your cookies are too big for your milk glass" walking passed her to my car while she locked my house door.

"Oh really? I hope all the chocolate chips in your cookies turn out to be raisins" she tossed the keys back to me, smiling as if she won the war.


Five minutes away we could already hear the music blasting from Nancy's house. Red solo cups littered the lawn as well as vomit and horny teenagers.

It felt like Nancy shoved her vibrators in my ears with how loud the music was. I could barely hear Lucy but her mouth was moving and before I knew it, she was gone.

Seeing Sam, Jake, Anne and two others in the corner I decided on that being my designated location. But moving through the sea of teenagers trying to rock the boat made me sea sick.

"Back the fuck up you soggy lampshade" I said pushing some low budget looking mermaid.

Then the voice of heaven spoke to me. "Woah calm down" my hand was taken and I was pulled out of the crowd. My eyes followed up to meet the back of Tyler's head. He was dressed as a cop? My stomach immediately started doing some acrobat stuff.

Well how could I calm down now.

"Why wouldn't you be able to?"

Can vampires read minds or are my ears betraying me "What? Did I say that out loud?" Looking around, I saw boys staring giving me pedo vibes.

"Are you going to answer me or has your brain finally burned out?" Unamused, he stopped in a passage of Nancy's house.

"I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing as you've never used it." I want to talk to him about the kiss but I don't know how. "Hey Officer Monroe?"

His eyes were glistening as they were set on me. He came closer, holding my hips and putting his forehead against mine. "Mhmmm?" He answered with his eyes closed. Every bone in his body relaxed while mine were on the verge of snapping.

"Um w-what did you mean by you're going crazy?"

Frowning he sighed and looked at me.
"Bree, you make me go crazy. I just want to hold your hand and keep you safe but also kiss you and fuck your brains out sometimes."

"I don't know how to reply to any of that" now I wanted to go home. The nervousness, the panic and the way Tyler was looking at me didn't exactly ease my mind.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you today. I shouldn't even be telling you any of this.. " he kept talking but all I saw were lips moving. His lips were so mesmerizing.

"Bree are you even listening?" He sounded so frustrated, how cute.

"Kiss me?"

"What?" Yeah definitely startled, maybe he's drunk and word vomiting here.

"I said-"

"Oh, I know what you said but I think Matt is busy fucking someone's soul out in the bedroom behind us. I don't think you'd want your brother so see us lip locked and tongue tied."


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