I'm Home and Hooked?

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"Is Jaycie cursing?" Morse asked.

"Jaycie what are you doing?" Chase asked as he went after me.

"Stay in my room." I said as I got the things unhooked. Crap that hurts. I continue to keep going even though they are calling after me. I go down stairs noticing Paul was looking around as well as Xander. Once they saw me they were automatically concerned, but I told them I'm fine and that they should stay. Although they didn't take the hint, I kept going. When I saw the idiot outside sitting on a huge stone my mom and I put there I crutched over. He was still drinking his stuff until I sat down and took it away from him.

"Hey! What's that for?" He pouted.

"You were doing well and now you screw up on your sober days? What the heck Jack! They said at the school that they would take you back and not tell your parents if you knock it off! Jack, I'm not suppose to be your care taker! I'm not always here and you know that!" I said to him throwing the bottle away from him but making sure I keep a good grip on it since I can't run after him.

"I don't need a care taker. Ny booze is nough." He said mispronouncing his words. "It keeps those dumb shits away from meeeee now woesn't itshh?"

"Shut the heck up! Knock it off now! You can't even speak properly! How much have you had?" I asked him.

When someone else showed up I saw it was Tania. She was looking at me with utter astonishment. Oh shoot I still have the bottle. I look at the bottle then to her. I notice Skull got here as well looking at me with the same astonishment.

"Just a little and I want more now wivvv me meh bottle backsss!" Jack said.

I held it far from him.

"No! Sit down mister! I'm mad at you right now." I said as I held him far from me with my good leg. He slumped back onto the rock with a pout.

"But Jayyyyyyciiiieeee! If I'mmm not drrrriinkinng my my my d-d-driiink I'll rememmmber. I don't want toooo!" He complained.

"Jack, you are not drinking!" I said each word loudly and he winced.

"You sound like a banshee." He complained more.

"You sound like a kid having a tantrum!" I quipped back.

"I do not!" He said while laughing.

"Oh god." I complained. "I get this is your escape from those times they took us, but you need to find a new escape."

He sighed as he laid on my thigh.

"I'm just going to go to sleep like last time. Night Jay." He said with a yawn.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I noticed everyone was out and Talon looked curiously at me. Although Chase looks mad at something. Paul face palmed his forehead and grumbled.

"How many times has Jack done this to you?" Morse asked.

"Ya'll don't know him. It's fine. Also I think I need your help Paul and Xander. I need you to put him in my room." I said.

"As always." Paul said with a slight smile.

"What do you mean as always? Who is this and why does he do that? Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Chase asked.

"Chase, I've been a great friend to Jack. When he's sober he is a great one to. I didn't tell anyone about this because I didn't. I'm not going to rat out Jack. If his parents gets wind that he's drinking again they are going to blame it on themselves. His parents are great people but they are always busy. Plus he does this to escape them. He believes drinking keeps them away and it keeps the memories away." I said as I frowned messing with Jack's hair.

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