Chapter 35

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After dropping Livy off at school, Steve found himself sitting in his car in the underground parking lot of Stark Tower. He was debating whether or not to go in and speak with Tony. Well, he did have a reason to see Tony than just exclusively talking to him. He needed to pick up the check the jewelry store issued to get his money back for the ring. But he did need some advice, and he knew Tony could give him some. Finally deciding to go in, Steve stepped out of his car. Once in the elevator, he pressed the number 20. When he stepped out of the elevator on the 20th floor, JARVIS's voice was heard over the speakers. "Good morning, Captain Rogers. Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark that you're here to see him?"

"Yes, please, JARVIS."

"I'll do so right away."

Steve entered the living room area and sat down on the couch while he waited for Tony. He started thinking about the topic he needed advice in. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the elevator ding signaling Stark's arrival.

"Well, what do we have here? Capsicle is actually visiting me so early in the morning! Never thought I'd live to see the day," Tony sarcastically said as he walked into the living room.

Steve stood up when he heard his voice. "Good morning to you too, Tony," he said as they gave themselves a manly hug and pat on the back.

"So to what do I owe this pleasure?" Tony asked as they both sat on the couch again.

"I came to pick up my check assuming you actually returned the ring and didn't cash the check yourself," explained Steve.

"And here I thought you were visiting just because you wanted to visit me," Tony said with mock hurt.

Steve smiled. "Sorry to disappoint."

"Well, lucky for you, I have the check in my wallet." Tony stood up, took his wallet out, and gave him the check.

"Thanks, Tony. I owe you one."

Tony laughed. "Nah, I think I owe you more things than you owe me, so I think this makes us a bit evener."

"In that case, we can even it out more."

"Oh?" Tony raised his eyebrows. "How do you exactly want me to do that?"

"I need some advice on a certain subject," Steve replied.

Tony smirked. "You have your eyes on a woman, don't ya?"

Steve frowned. "How did you know that?"

"For as long as I can remember, you've never been good around women. After many long years, one marriage and one failed relationship, you still haven't changed. Besides, why would someone come to me for advice if it wasn't about women? Everyone knows that I'm an expert in that field."

Steve sighed. "Yes, it's about a woman. You see, I really like her and want to date her, but I'm not sure I should ask her just yet."

"You should totally ask Natasha out. I'm pretty sure she'll say yes," Tony quickly advised.

"I never said it was Natasha."

"Pfft, I've seen the way you look at her. It couldn't be anyone else."

Steve sighed again. "Am I really that obvious?"

Tony laughed. "Oh, yeah you are. So why are you doubting asking her?"

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