Chapter 13

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While Bucky was driving to Wanda's house, he decided to confront Wanda.

"You invited Natasha to eat lunch with you, right?" Bucky questioned.

"If I tell you, will you tell Steve?" Wanda worriedly asked.

"No, I won't. I promise. If you tell me, I'll tell you something Steve told me. Deal?"

"Deal." Wanda sighed. "Yes, I invited her, but in my defense, I wanted to get to know her better to see if she is a good match for Steve."

"I know you did. What did you find out about her?"

"Not much. I only found out that she was born in Russia and she moved to the States when she was 18. The rest of the time we talked about me and work."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"I do know she is not the most open person in the world. She said she had a hard past. She told me her parents died when she was young, so she has no family in Russia. She likes it better here in New York."

"At least she likes it here. We wouldn't want her going back to her mother country any time soon."

Wanda looked at Bucky with a puzzled look. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I think I'm going to have to side with you and help you out a bit."

"With what?" Wanda was still confused.

"You're whole idea of setting Steve up with someone so that he can see that Sharon's not the one for him."

"Ohh, finally you see the light. What made you decide to help me?"

"Well, don't freak out, but Steve may be planning on proposing to Sharon."

"WHAT??? He can't do that, not on my watch!"

"Look, we have approximately six months to make Steve realize that by doing so, he will be committing a huge mistake."

"Well, I think it's enough time if we can get some more help and if Steve cooperates."

"Exactly my thoughts. I know a valuable asset to our 'team.'"

"Oh, really? Who?"

"Well, actually, I know two. The first one is Livy. I know she's automatically on our side. The second one is Thor. He'll be coming to New York in about a week, and this time, he's staying for good. Last time Thor introduced a gal to Steve, he fell head over heels with her, and it worked out."

"Hmm, you're right. Maybe Clint and Laura will be able to help. I'll ask them and Stark, Pepper, Pietro, Allison, and Sam. Once I know their answers, I'll start forming a plan, and I'll share it once Thor is here. Do you think Bruce will be on our side?"

"There's no reason to believe he wouldn't. You know he doesn't like Sharon either even though he doesn't show it like the rest of us."

"You're right. How about you ask them, and I'll hatch the plan?"

"Sounds good to me."


The next week was a busy week for Steve as he had to catch up on work. There were two days that he couldn't pick up Livy from her ballet class no matter how hard he tried. The first day was Monday. Steve tried his best to advance some in his work that was due that week in the hour that Livy was in her ballet class so that he could go pick her up. Whilst his endeavors, he had a meeting scheduled with a client to over the details of a painting the client wanted. That meeting just had to be scheduled at 11 A.M. He sighed when he saw the time. "So much for trying to catch up on work," he mumbled. Lucky for him, he looked over his schedule around 10:30, so he had plenty of time to ask someone to go pick her up. He knew he couldn't ask Wanda, Pietro, or Allison because they were working. Bucky and Sam went to Staten Island. Sharon was out of the question because she probably had just as much or even more work than he did. Clint-well, he didn't know if Clint was working or not. If he wasn't, then he was most probable still in bed which means Laura was just starting out her day. Bruce wouldn't be back until Wednesday. The only other options were the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist a.k.a. Tony Stark and CEO of Stark Industries, who also happened to be Tony's girl, Pepper Potts. He opted to call Stark because he was more likely to be free.

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