Chapter 26

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Saturday, August 29, Livy's Birthday.

Even though it was a Saturday, Livy still had to wake up early. Sharon was coming to pick her up at 8 in order to get to the American Girl Café by 8:45. Sharon had talked to Steve about her plans which included a trip to the American Girl Salon and Afternoon Tea. Steve asked what they were going to do at the salon, and Sharon happily told them about the girl and doll hairstyling, manicure, and ear piercing. She wanted Livy to do all three before their afternoon tea at 2. Steve was a little skeptical about having Livy get a manicure and her ears pierced, but somehow, Sharon had managed to convince him. Steve knew that it was Livy's birthday, and she would appreciate getting spoiled. He made Sharon promise that she would pick a light color of nail polish, nothing too bright, dark, or flashy since Livy was barely five. About the ear piercing, Steve was a little hesitant about it, but Sharon had told him that since Livy was already in school, she would probably be asking soon why she doesn't have earrings and other girls do. Steve knew that was true, so he reluctantly agreed. He would rather wait, but he decided to just let Sharon pamper her.

Livy didn't know anything. All she knew was that she was going to go out with Sharon, and she was not happy about that. She dragged her feet all morning. She didn't want to take a bath, so Steve had to practically tie her down in the bathtub so that she wouldn't run out. She took forever in eating breakfast. Actually, when Sharon arrived, she was still at the breakfast bar eating. She was lost in thought when the doorbell rang causing her to jump.

Steve, who had been taking a shower himself, ran to get the door but stopped when he saw Livy was still in the kitchen. "Livy," he said sternly, "finish your breakfast and quickly go brush your teeth. Sharon's already here, and you two can't be late."

"But, Daddy, I don't want to go with her," whined Livy.

Steve sighed. "I'm going to let Sharon in, and then you and I are going to have a quick talk in your room before you leave." He quickly went to open the door knowing Sharon had been waiting too long. When he opened the door, he said, "Good morning, Sharon. Sorry it took me so long to open the door."

Sharon chuckled. "Good morning to you too. It's fine. I'm pretty sure you had a good reason." Steve motioned that she go in which she happily did. Once Steve closed the door, he turned around, and Sharon kissed him. "So where's the birthday girl?"

"She should be brushing her teeth right now. I'll go check. She won't take much longer." Steve hurried away checking the kitchen first to see if she was in there. Thankfully, she wasn't, so he went to check the bathroom. Livy wasn't in there either, so he checked her bedroom. He found her in there sitting on her bed with a frown on her face and her arms crossed. "Hey, Princess, did you already brush your teeth?" Steve softly asked.

She nodded her head still not taking off the mad face.

"I know you don't get along very well with Sharon when I'm not around, but give her a chance today. She has a fun day planned out for you. I know you're going to enjoy it very much. So can you please wipe the frown off your face, and replace it with a lovely smile?" Steve smiled at her in hopes she'd do that.

Livy shook her head.

"Come on, Livy, or the tickle monster will have to come and do its job." Steve got his hand ready to tickle Livy.

Livy started to smile a little, but being as stubborn as Steve, she quickly tried to hide it.

"Oh, I saw that little smile. I think you do need a little help to get it out." He started to tickle Livy's stomach which brought giggles and squeals from out of her.

"Daddy, stop it!" she squealed. "Please stop it!"

Steve tickled her a little longer just to make sure and also because he enjoyed hearing Livy's giggles. It reminded him of Peggy. Finally, he stopped so that they wouldn't be late. "All right, Miss Livy, are you ready to go out with Sharon with that beautiful smile you have on your face now?"

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