Chapter 4

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Natasha was thinking about Steve Rogers all afternoon. She tried to focus on decorating her new office, but her thoughts would often wander. She couldn't stop thinking of his muscular body and his baby blue eyes. Thinking about his eyes made her think about the sadness she detected behind those gorgeous blue eyes. Being the observer she was, she couldn't help but notice the traces of sadness and pain behind them. She also noticed that he looked like he hadn't slept well in a long time. Something must have happened in his past, and she was curious. She wanted to find out, but she knew that it was none of her business.

While she was thinking about this, Maria asked her something, but obviously, she didn't hear her. Suddenly, she heard Maria saying, "Hello? Earth to Natasha."

Natasha snapped back to reality. "Yes, Maria?"

"You were miles away. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Natasha lied.

Maria eyed her suspiciously. "You were thinking about the man that came in today," she stated.

"Yes, I was," Natasha admitted. "There was something about him. You could see it in his eyes."

"Well, I didn't. He looked like any other man. Anyways, back to work. Where do you want me to put this file cabinet?"

Natasha looked around the room a minute. "Over there in the corner by the window."

After Maria placed the file cabinet where Natasha wanted it, she looked at the time. "My goodness, time surely flies. Tasha, I have to go get ready for my shift at the police station. Do you need me to help you tomorrow?"

"No, I don't. I'm already setting up most of the big furniture. I just need to wait until the men are done remodeling the building."

"All right, if you need anything tomorrow, just give me a call."

"I will. Have a good time on your shift."

"Haha, very funny. I hope it's not a busy night." Maria grabbed her stuff and headed towards the door. "Tasha, I want you to call me when you get home, and please whatever you do, don't let it get dark outside before leaving. I would feel much better if you were home before dark."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Maria, I'll be fine."

"I'm serious ok. The minute you get home, call me. No later."

"I will. Take care."

"You too."


Livy woke up excited. She couldn't wait to have dinner at Wanda's apartment. Because of her excitement, she woke up before Steve did. She tiptoed downstairs thinking he was already awake. She silently walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see it was empty.

"Daddy? Are you in here?" the little girl asked. Receiving no response, she decided to check his bedroom. She crept up the stairs to her dad's room. She carefully opened the door and heard someone snoring. Cautiously, she slipped in and closed the door. She walked over to the bed and got on it. She waited a few moments and watched her dad sleep. Suddenly, she pounced on Steve, startling him awake. Seeing it was his daughter, he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug.

"Good morning, Princess," he greeted her.

"Good morning, Daddy!"

He turned his head to get a glimpse of the time. It was a little after seven thirty. "Wow! You're up early!"

"When are we going to Aunt Wanda's house?"

"Now, I know why you woke up early. You're excited to see your Aunt Wanda." Livy nodded her head. "Well, Princess, we have to be there at six, so that means we have almost ten more hours."

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