Chapter 22

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I'm back from my vacation! I was writing this chapter whilst on vacation in a notebook, so I had to type it and finish the chapter as well. I knew it was going to be a long one, but I didn't expect it to be this long. It's a little over 6.6k words! It's the longest chapter so far. I had so much fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it!

One more thing before you start reading, the video at the top is for the dance, but I made slight changes to it.


The week of the gala was a whirlwind of excitement. Stark Tower was filled with people decorating for the party. With each party that Stark threw, he would make them bigger and better than the last. This one was no exception. The only difference was that he was conscious that the next part of Wanda's plan was going to be executed at his party, so he wanted it to be perfect. The rest were excited to see what would happen but scared at the same time because all of their efforts could go down the gutter with Sharon being there.

While the preparations were taking place, Wanda went over the plan with Bruce on what he would tell Natasha if she started to ask certain questions. The party was to be Saturday, July 4, so Wanda told Bruce he would call Natasha on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Wanda called Bruce to go over the details one last time, and she noticed that he was a ball of nerves. He was so nervous he would mess something up. Wanda had told him that Natasha could not know Bruce knew anyone but Tony and Clint. He was afraid that it would slip that he knew Wanda. When Wanda heard the nervousness in his voice, she decided to be there when he made the phone call during Nat's lunch break. He was so relieved she had gone because he almost mentioned Wanda. It took some convincing on his part, but by the end of the phone call, Natasha had agreed to go.

On Friday, during Natasha's lunch break, Wanda showed up. "Cancel all your classes for the rest of the day. You and I need to do some shopping."

Natasha was clearly confused. "Shopping for what exactly?"

"Tony Stark asked me to take you shopping for a dress. He told me that one of his friends asked you out, but you were complaining that you don't have a proper dress. He asked me to take you dress shopping since we kind of know each other already. It's also going to be a courtesy of Stark."

"But I can't just cancel the rest of my classes on such short notice," Natasha protested.

"Of course you can. All you have to say is that something of importance came up. I won't take 'no' for an answer. You need to look your best tomorrow."

"Ok," she reluctantly agreed. "But you owe me one."

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun! Come on!" She practically pulled Natasha off her seat.

"But I'm not done with-"

"Take it with you, and finish it in the car," interrupted Wanda.

"What about my car?"

"We're taking it since I came in the subway. If you want, I can drive while you finish your lunch."

"Fine." She gave Wanda her car keys, and soon they were on their way.

Once they got to the dress shop, Wanda got down to business digging through every rack and taking out as many dresses she thought would suit Natasha.

"Here. Go try these on while I look for more," Wanda ordered, shoving about seven dresses into Natasha's arms. "Make sure you come out so that I can see too."

Natasha looked at the dresses and reluctantly went to the dressing room. None of the dresses Wanda had chosen was her style. She had actually seen one that caught her eye, but she didn't want to take away Wanda's excitement. However, Wanda loved how all of the dresses she chose looked on Natasha, but she wasn't convinced that any of those first seven was the right one. "I'll go get the other ones," Wanda let Natasha know.

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