Chapter 12

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Bonus chapter!


Wanda suggested to Natasha last minute to meet her at the mall at noon for lunch instead of having just coffee. Natasha agreed because she didn't have anything else to do. Wanda told her to meet her at Westfield World Trade Center at Breads Bakery.

Even though Wanda owned a car, she decided to ask Bucky to take her to the mall. Her excuse was that she needed to buy something at the mall. She hadn't told Bucky about her coffee outing with Natasha because she was certain he would tell Steve about it. Bucky asked her why she couldn't just go in her own car, so she said she wanted to spend a little time with him afterwards. She said, "If you don't want to take me, I could go on the subway and then call you to pick me up so that we can do something."

Bucky immediately replied, "No, no. I'll take you."

When they had parked in the parking lot, Bucky got out to open the car door for Wanda. She thanked him and started walking towards the parking lot exit to get to the mall. Wanda had thought that Bucky was going to leave, so she was a little bit startled when he was walking beside her.

"You really don't have to walk me all the way to the mall."

"That's all right. Besides, I have to meet someone there for lunch. Are you going to take a while?"

"You know, you should have asked that question before you made plans for lunch."

"I know. I guess I didn't think about it."

"Well, it depends. Who are you meeting for lunch?"

"I'm meeting one of the guys."

"Oh, ok. Yes, I'm going to take a while."

Bucky just nodded. He knew that Wanda wasn't going to buy something at the mall. He just didn't know why she wanted to come. He would have asked but decided against it.

Now, here she was at Breads Bakery waiting for Natasha. She had only ordered a cup of coffee because she was going to wait for Natasha to order something to eat. Not long after she got her coffee, she saw Natasha walk in. She saw Nat scanning the room at the tables, so she waved to her. Natasha soon saw her and walked up to the table. Wanda got up to greet her. They hugged each other and sat down.

"Hi, Natasha. How are you?"

"Hi Wanda. I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm great!"

"Sorry I'm a little late, but my ride was a little late to pick me up."

"Don't worry about it. I haven't been here very long."

"Have you ordered yet?"

"Just my coffee."

Natasha looked at the menu and quickly decided what she wanted. "I'm ready to order. How about you?"

"You're ready to order already?! You haven't even been here five minutes yet."

Natasha laughed at Wanda's surprise. "Well being a ballerina, I have a diet to follow. So I practically just look for something healthy on the menu."

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Well, I'm also ready to order. I'll call the waitress." Wanda called the waitress, and she signed that she would be there in a minute.

After Wanda and Natasha ordered, Wanda started the conversation.

"So, how did you decide to teach ballet, and where did you learn?"

Natasha smiled. "Well, I decided to teach ballet so that my talent wouldn't go to waste. Ballet is my passion, and I want others that have the dream of becoming a ballerina to fulfill it. I want them to have the same passion I do. Your niece is one of the kids I can see a lot of potential in. She reminds me of myself when I started out. To answer your second question, I learned ballet in Russia."

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