Chapter 20

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The one and only Tony Stark called a meeting at Stark Tower the next Friday. He said they all needed to plan Fourth of July. Steve was dreading the meeting because somehow Tony's Fourth of July celebrations always end up being his birthday celebration. Now don't get it wrong, he didn't mind celebrating his birthday, but he preferred a quiet party, not a party with a whole bunch of important people he didn't know. Nonetheless, he had to go to that meeting to try to tell Tony once again not to include his birthday in the party. The good thing was that he didn't have to be there the whole time. Saturday was going to be a busy day for him. Sharon and he planned to go to the Children's Museum of the Arts with Livy. They were going to attend the Saturday Family Studio, so they had to arrive before 10 A.M. In the afternoon, while Livy spent time with Sam, he was going to meet Natasha in Starbucks to discuss designs for the posters that she wants.

Steve and Livy were the last ones to arrive at the Tower. Because they were watching a movie while eating their dinner, Steve lost track of time.

"There's Captain Spangles with his adorable munchkin!" Tony exclaimed when they walked in.

Steve got a little irritated at the nickname. Stark gave him that nickname ever since he became Captain in the army. He had explained that he was now a Captain and was born the Fourth of July. What better nickname was there for him? The good thing is that Tony only called him that around his birthday.

"Where's Cooper and Lila?" Livy asked Laura as soon as Stark announced their arrival.

"They're playing in the playroom."

"Thanks!" With that, she turned on her heel and was about to run to find them, but an arm grabbed her shoulder.

"Not so fast, young lady," Steve said. "You haven't greeted anyone here yet. Go say hello to everybody, then you can go play."

"But, Daddy," she whined.

"No buts. Do as I say," Steve said in a sterner voice.

"Ok." Livy quickly greeted everyone and soon ran off.

"Now, that the Cap is here, let's begin the party planning!" Tony shouted with enthusiasm.

"Wait, Stark, let me get a drink first. I think I'll need it." Steve sauntered off to the bar to serve himself some whiskey.

"You can hear what I'm saying from there. So, I was thinking we should do a-wait for it-A FOURTH OF JULY GALA!"

Groans were heard all over the room. "Can't you do something simple this year?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, why do we have to do something big every year? It gets kind of boring," Pietro added.

"I know! Cook-out at my house!" Clint suggested. "We can grill some hot dogs and hamburgers, maybe have some ribs. Laura can make her delicious strawberry shortcake, and we'll have ice cream. At night, we can set off fireworks in my backyard."

Tony looked at them with disgust. "You guys don't know how to party. It's Fourth of July, Independence Day, America's birthday. Oh, if I might add, it's also Steveo's birthday. We need to go all big."

"Stark, we are not mixing in my birthday with your Fourth of July celebration again. If you do, I'm not coming. Nope. Livy and I will have to make our own plans with Sharon," stated Steve.

"Gosh, old man, you don't know how to have fun. But if it makes you come, I won't mix in your birthday celebration with my party."


"I promise." Unbeknownst to Steve, Tony had his fingers crossed behind his back.

"You know what," Wanda spoke up, "as much as I hate agreeing with Stark, I agree with his idea this time."

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