Chapter 30

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I give you, the long-awaited chapter!


It all started on a Monday afternoon when Livy's stomach started hurting. She was drawing in her dad's office while he was working on the website for the ballet school. She all of a sudden dropped her crayon and lied down on the floor.

"Daddy," she moaned. "I don't feel so good."

Steve immediately stopped what he was doing and looked away from the computer to see Livy curled up in a ball lying on the floor. He quickly went to her and kneeled next to her. "What's wrong?" he asked with concern.

"My tummy hurts."

He took her in his arms and started rubbing her back. "Is that all?"

She shook her head while tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"What else do you feel?"

Before Livy could answer, she threw up on Steve. "Oh, boy. That's not a good sign." Steve stood up and carried her to the bathroom. He was aware that he needed to clean himself up, but he also had to take care of Livy. He decided to call Wanda for some help.

"Hey, Steve. What's up?" Wanda said upon answering the phone.

"Hi, Wanda. I need a little bit of help. It's an emergency."

"What type of emergency?" Wanda's voice changed from her usual cheerful tone to a serious, concerned tone.

"Livy is sick. She told me her stomach hurt, and right after that, she threw up. I was holding her, so you can imagine the state I'm in. I need to clean myself up, but I can't leave Livy alone. I'm going to take her to the doctor after I clean up. Could you please come watch her while I shower and clean up the office?"

"Oh my, Steve, that's terrible. Of course, I'm on my way. Does she have a fever?"

"I totally forgot to check that." He immediately touched Livy's face to see.

"Really, Steve? That's one of the first things you're supposed to do!" Wanda scolded.

"I know. It just slipped my mind. And she does feel a little warm."

"Take her temperature. I'll see you in a bit." With that, Wanda hung up.

Steve took out the thermometer and put it in Livy's mouth. Once it beeped, he took it out, and sure enough, she had a fever of 101.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Steve got a rag, moistened it with cool water, and rubbed it down on Livy's face. She threw up once again before Wanda arrived, and thankfully it was in the toilet this time.

Wanda let herself in since she knew Steve would be with Livy. "Steve!" she called out.

"I'm in the bathroom!" he answered.

Wanda rushed into the bathroom and saw Steve rubbing the rag on Livy's face. "Oh, Maggie, baby! Aunt Wanda's here. Everything's gonna be all right." She wrapped her arms around her and started stroking her hair. "Steve, you go along and clean up so that we can take her to the doctor sooner."

"Right." He gave the rag to Wanda and went to clean up the office and then took a quick shower.

While he did that, Wanda kept rubbing the rag on Livy's face and stroking her hair. Livy was still crying a bit from the pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Wanda asked gently.

Livy nodded. "I want my mommy," she whispered.

Wanda's heart broke. "I know you want your mommy, but she's no longer with us."

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