Chapter 18

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This is the chapter I have been eagerly waiting to post. I hope you guys enjoy it!


The next week, after Wanda's plan had been played out, Natasha sent a text to Steve.

Natasha: Good afternoon, Mr. Rogers. I was wondering if you are free right now. I need to speak with you about Livy.

Steve: Hello, Miss Romanoff. Yes, I'm free right now.

Natasha: Great! Could you meet me at Starbucks?

Steve: Unfortunately, I can't right now. Livy isn't home, so I need to wait for her here. Would you mind coming to my house?

Natasha: I wouldn't mind at all. I just need your address.

Steve texted her the address.

Natasha: Thanks. I'll see you in half an hour.

Natasha arrived at the address Steve texted her. Since she moved to New York, she had never been to Brooklyn until now even though she lived one borough over. Steve's house was pretty. It had a nicely trimmed lawn on the front. It was a two story house. She got out of her car and walked up the walkway to the porch steps. Once she was on the porch, she rang the doorbell and waited. Not long after, Steve opened the door.

"Hello, Miss Romanoff. Come on in."

"Please, call me Natasha, Mr. Rogers," she said as she stepped inside the house.

"Okay, Miss-I mean-Natasha. In that case, you can call me Steve."

"All right, Steve."

"I hope you found the house all right."

"Yeah, I did. I used the GPS."

"Right." They entered the living room. "Please have a seat." Steve motioned to the couches. "Would you like something to drink? I have juice, water..."

"Water is fine."

Steve went into the kitchen to get her water. While he was in the kitchen, she looked at the paintings he had on the wall. She was really admiring them when something she saw from the corner of her eye caught her attention. It was a picture frame. The picture had a brown haired lady holding a baby and a blonde haired man in an army uniform. She knew the man was Steve, so she guessed the baby was Livy and the lady was Steve's family member or a family friend. She looked at the picture a bit longer and went back to admiring the paintings. Steve came back and handed her a glass of water. She accepted it and took a seat again while Steve did the same.

"I love those paintings you have on the wall. Where did you get them?"

"I painted them," Steve replied humbly.

"You did!? Wow! They're amazing!"


"Do you paint a lot?"

"It's actually my job. I work at an art studio."

"Oh, that's nice."

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I wanted to talk about Livy's potential, but I have a favor to ask you first."

"OK, what can I help you with?"

"Well, now knowing that you are an artist I was wondering if you could design a poster. You see, at the end of the summer ballet course, the students will be presenting Swan Lake. I was going to start looking for a design company, but I want you to design it."

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