Chapter 17

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Since most readers wanted the chapter about Thor, Jane, Darcy, and Livy, I decided to write a short chapter about it. To those who are wanting a Romanogers part, don't worry about it. You'll get it sooner than you're expecting it.


While Steve was on his date, Thor, Jane, and Darcy were spending quality time with Livy. When they arrived to the children's museum, Thor paid the entrance.

"Livy, what exhibit do you want to visit first?" Jane asked while Thor paid.

"Which exhibits are there?" she sheepishly asked. Even though she had been around Thor, Jane, and Darcy, she was still a little shy around them when Steve wasn't there.

Darcy, who had grabbed a brochure, answered her. "There are a lot of interesting exhibits. Before you say which one, listen to all the options. There is Let's Dance, Hello from Japan, EatSleepPlay: Building Health Every Day, PlayWorks, Adventures with Dora and Diego,Collage Collaborations: Juan Hinojosa, and Dynamic H2O."

"Livy, before you choose, we have one hour before closing time, so pick wisely," Jane told her.

"I want to go to the dance one but last. I want to go to the Dora one first, then the Japan one, then the one that has to do with eating," she answered.

"That's sounds great! So since you picked four, we'll spend 15 minutes in each one so that you can go to each one."

Thor walked over to the little group. "So, ladies, have you decided what we're going to do?"

"We're going to go to four exhibits in this order: Dora, Japan, EatSleepPlay, and Dance spending 15 minutes in each one," announced Darcy.

"Sounds like a plan! Let's go see Dora." Thor started to lead the way.

"Um, Thor, you're going the wrong way," pointed out Jane.

"Right, just seeing if you were paying attention."

Because Livy was excited to go to the Let's Dance exhibit, they ended up spending in between five and ten minutes in each of the other exhibits. Darcy spent time playing with Livy in the Dora exhibit, Jane in the Japan exhibit, and Thor in the EatSleepPlay exhibit. Livy began getting closer to each one, but she preferred Darcy because she was fun. They finally got to the dance exhibit. Livy squealed with delight when she saw the space to dance.

"Uncle Thor, Aunt Jane, Aunt Darcy! Come dance with me!"

"How about you show us some of your ballet moves first then we'll join you," Jane suggested.

"Ok." Livy's smile couldn't get any wider. She danced a simple dance that she had just learned in her classes. Afterwards, she showed them different dance moves.

"Wow, Livy! That was remarkable!" Thor praised.

"It definitely was," agreed Jane.

Darcy smiled brightly at her. "You really enjoy ballet, don't you?"

Livy nodded her head. "Now can you guys dance with me?"

Thor, Jane, and Darcy joined her. They took turns dancing with Livy, then they would make up their own little dance. Closing time came quickly for Livy. She was having so much fun that she was disappointed when Jane said it was time to leave.

"Aren't you hungry, Livy?" asked Thor.

"Yes, I am. Where are we going to eat?"

"We're going to go eat hamburgers," Darcy said with excitement.

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