Chapter 1

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One Year Later...

"Steve! Steve! Help me!" a female voice cried out. "Help me please!"

Steve saw Peggy in the driver's seat of her vehicle. She was trapped, and the car was just seconds from blowing up into flames. He tried to move towards her to save her, but he couldn't. His feet would not move no matter how hard he tried. Then, the car blew up. Flames quickly consumed the car.

"PEGGY!" he screamed, but it was too late.

Steve bolted upright in bed covered in a cold sweat. He turned his phone on to see the time. It was 5:00 A.M., so he decided to get up. There was no way he would be able to go back to sleep after that nightmare. It's been a year since Peggy died, but he still can't get over it. He decides to go down to his workout room. When he gets there, he immediately starts punching a bag. Ever since he was in the army, he realized that it helped him relieve a lot of stress and pressure. Around seven, he decided to start his day. He cleaned the house a little and took a shower.

After he got done getting ready for the day, he headed to the kitchen to start on breakfast. He decided to make Livy's favorite breakfast-chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. He didn't think she would get up on her own, but he was wrong. Soon after he started cooking, he heard the patter of little feet. Knowing Livy, she would try to scare him, so he pretended that he didn't hear her coming. A couple seconds later, she stood behind him and yelled, "Boo!"

Steve made himself jump in surprise and turned around with his best impression of a scared face. "You scared me, princess!"

When the four year old saw her daddy's face, she immediately knew he was lying. Disappointed, she said, "No, daddy, I didn't scare you."

"Of course, you did, princess! Didn't you see me jump three feet in the air?"

"Daddy, when you have a nightmare that scares you, you look scared. Right now, you don't look scared, and you didn't jump at all."

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep lying to his daughter, he admitted, "You're right, princess, you didn't scare me. I heard you coming down the stairs."

Livy's got even more disappointed.

"Look if you want to scare someone, you should practice on being quieter."

Livy giggled, "Like you?"

"Okay, you got me there," he said while going to pick her up, "I need to practice on being quieter too." He started kissing her cheeks making her giggle some more. "Are you ready to have breakfast?"

"Yeah! What are we going to eat?"

"I made your favorite- chocolate chip pancakes and bacon."

Livy clapped her hands. "Yay! I love pancakes and bacon!" She gave Steve a big hug and a big slobbery kiss on the cheek.

"Do you want to help me finish making them?"

Livy shook her head no.

"Why not, princess?"

"Because I like how you make them. They taste better."

"All right," he said, setting her down on the counter, "I'll finish making breakfast."


While eating breakfast, Livy remembered something that Lila Barton had told her recently. She decided to ask her daddy her famous question. "Daddy?"

"Yes, princess?"

"When can I start ballet class?"

"I don't know, princess. You're still a little young to start ballet classes. I think you can start learning in a couple of years."

"But Lila told me that there's a new ballet school in New York. She was gonna go to the summer classes but picked to go to MasterChef Junior instead. Anyways, she said that I was old enough to go!"

"Well, let me talk to your Uncle Clint about it, and ask him where the school is located so that I can check it out. But don't get your hopes up, Livy, because I don't know if you'll be able to go. Okay?"

"Okay, daddy," she said with bright eyes.

Steve decided to switch the subject. "Livy, I need to go to the art studio today to turn in my work and pick up more. Would you like to go with me, or would you rather stay with your Aunt Pepper?"

Livy thought about it a moment. "If I go to the art studio with you, will you take me to the ballet school after that?"

"So much for changing the subject," Steve thought. To his daughter he replied, "Well, I don't know where this ballet school is located, and your Uncle Clint is working right now."

But Livy wouldn't give up that easily. "You can call Aunt Laura and ask her."

Steve looked down at Livy's pleading eyes, eyes that he couldn't say no to. Reluctantly, he agrees, "All right, I'll call your Aunt Laura, get the address, and we can go before coming home."

"Thank you, daddy!" Livy got up and hugged Steve tightly.

"You're welcome, princess. Now hurry up and finish your breakfast."


After they finished breakfast, Steve started the dishwasher, and helped Livy get ready to go. While Livy brushed her teeth, Steve called Laura.


"Hi, Laura. This is Steve."

"Oh hey, Steve. How are you and Livy?"

"We're both fine, about to head out. How about you and the kids?"

"The kids are enjoying their summer vacation, and I'm enjoying spending time with them."

"That's great. Well, Livy told me this morning about the ballet school Lila was going to be attending, and I was wondering if you could pass me the address."

"Of course, I can Steve. Hold on a minute while I look for the address."

Laura dictated the address while Steve wrote it down.

"Thanks, Laura. I hope you'll have a good day."

"You too, Steve."

Steve was about to hang up when Laura said, "Wait! I forgot to mention that Clint told me he wants to get together sometime this week."

"Yeah, sure. I'll call Clint later to set it up. I have to go now."

"Ok. Take care."

"You too. Bye." Steve hang up and turned to Livy. "Are you ready to go now?"

"Yes, daddy!" she happily replied, and off they went to the art studio.


Thank you all for your lovely comments! They truly put a smile on face! I'm glad you are enjoying this story!

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