kim namjoon

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i walked back home, struggling to find the key to my apartment. "where is it?" i grumbled, when i finally found it i unlocked the door and walked in.

only to find none other than min yoongi sitting on my couch.

"the fuck are you doing here?" i chuckled. he had a beer in his hands, he turned to face me and smiled, "i missed you."

we hugged for a bit, "i miss everyone, really."

the past four years had been pretty okay for me. i had ups and downs but in the end everything was fine.

i was fine.

it actually felt nice to see yoongi again after he left to wherever he decided to go. "kookie is graduating today." yoongi randomly said.

oh shit.

i had completely forgotten. "wow, our jungkook already graduating." i said proudly.

"i basically raised him." we said in unison, i laughed.

i hadn't laughed in a while. this is good. good, good.

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