jung hoseok

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"c'mon baby boy." i pulled the small boy closer to me he closed his pretty eyes, what was his name again? whatever, he's hot. his breath was hot against my skin he looked up at me our noses touching. just as our lips brushed against each other there was a knock at the door.

the boy stood up, obviously mad. "you're expecting someone else already?" he rolled his eyes making his way to the door.

"no, no-" another fucking knock.

i walked down the stairs with the boy following silently behind me, "who is it, arthur?" i asked the tall butler.

"uhm...tae?" arthur hesitated to say the nickname.

"tae?" my mouth turned into an 'o' shape. arthur nodded. the boy glared at me, if stares could kill, i'd be dead. except i would've been dead a while ago.

i walked to the door where three males stood, one of them being taehyung. i watched the boy i was about to fuck walk out, his hips swayed, taunting me. i let out a small grunt.

taehyung slapped my arm, "hoseok! stop being a hoe." he scolded. i chuckled wrapping my arms around his waist, "but that's what i'm best at." his arms wrapped around my neck, we gazed at each other for a bit before an awkward cough came out of the midget standing next to the noodle.

the midget glared at us i smiled, "oh, who's this?" i asked cockly while shamelessly checking him out. "i'm yoongi." he stated with a bored expression.

the midget, yoongi, was pretty hot. the noodle wasn't bad looking himself. the noodle fidgeted a bit before he looked at me, "we have to talk to you." his voice was deeper than i had expected, he let himself inside.

"hey, noodle!" as soon as that word came out of my mouth my face flushed the noodle turned to looked at me and laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

"i'm namjoon." he finally said drying his tears. by this time, yoongi and taehyung were sitting on the couch yoongi looking beyond tired and taehyung looking like a full course meal.

me and namjoon walked to the couch. namjoon began talking.


"awh, only that?" i whined.

yoongi stood up with wide eyes, "what do you mean only that?" i chuckled at his reaction while taehyung was fanboying in the background.

yoongi rolled his eyes crossing his arms, "so are you in or not?" i nodded, "of course. but only because you're a cutie." i stood up getting close to him, he blushed.

"ahem," namjoon pulled yoongi away from me, "do you know anyone that is willing to-"

"yes! jiminie~" i smiled thinking about that thick boy, who i swear i've never fucked.

yoongi pulled taehyung aside going on his tiptoes to whisper something in his ear, taehyung put his hands around his waist, for a moment i felt envy.

i sat down crossing my legs namjoon looked at me in awe, "what is it?" i questioned. namjoon looked away quickly finding the floor extremely interesting.

"a-anyways, we should g-go pick up uhm... hoseok's buddy." namjoon stood up. yoongi tilted his head turning to look at namjoon whose face was flushed.

taehyung let go of yoongi walking towards me.

i grabbed his waist, "how long have you known him?" i asked. "known who?"

"yoongi," i gazed at yoongi who was talking to namjoon, "how long have you known yoongi?"

"oh, like uh, three years maybe?" he said thoughtfully. i nodded, yoongi was hot but i felt like he was a good guy. i wasn't good enough for him. playing with him would be like playing with fire.

but he's hot. like, really hot. maybe playing with fire could be fun.

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