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namjoon needed to rant, jin was there to listen and occasionally say something. the two were drinking a bit, talking a lot. letting go of their feelings and getting a bit buzzed.

namjoon felt better, he had first came to the hotel extremely stressed. jin just liked talking, he liked how namjoon gave him all his attention and listened. namjoon smiled as jin told another of his shitty puns.

"maybe we should go to sleep." namjoon finally said, it almost twelve at this point. jin nodded and yawned walking over to his bed, "night, joon," he mumbled. namjoon smiled laying down peacefully.

meanwhile, jungkook was having a mental breakdown.

taehyung was insisting on showering with the younger but jungkook had never shown his body to anyone. you could say he was a big virgin. "c'mon, kookie! it's not like your gonna die!" taehyung whined.

jungkook sure felt like he was going to die. "i-i am- i'm just-" the young male's face flushed as he stuttered. taehyung was getting impatient and tired.

the older male stood up, grabbing jungkook by the collar of his shirt. he lifted the younger's star wars shirt over his head. jungkook's eyes widened, what the hell? taehyung messed with the button of his jeans hesitantly.

finally, taehyung had jungkook completely undressed. he now undressed himself, taehyung was rather confident about his body and had to admit jungkook had a nice body, "get in the shower." jungkook nodded obeying the older, walking to the bathroom with a red face.

on the other hand, the three roommates were not exactly happy with each other, "i'm going to take a shower." yoongi stood up from where the three were eating cereal earlier. yoongi quickly got undressed staring at his body in the mirror longer than he should have. the water felt nice against his tense muscles, he sighed happily.

hoseok tackled jimin pinning him onto the bed, jimin giggled loudly playing with hoseok's hair. jimin wanted desperately for hoseok to touch him like he had done in the past, "you're so cute, jiminie." hoseok smiled warmly making jimin's heart beat faster.

hoseok leaned in, kissing jimin's plump, desperate lips. soon there was tongue, next jimin's clothes came off.

yoongi got out of the shower and heard strange noises, they were nice. he had to admit he was a bit turned on. as soon as he opened the door he saw hoseok grinding on jimin while jimin moaned and whined loudly, "what the hell?" yoongi yelled. the petite male quickly called namjoon, tired of hoseok and jimin's bullshit.

hoseok jumped off jimin, jimin glared at yoongi, covering his body with the expensive sheets. yoongi reached for the phone, "these two were about to have sex." he mumbled.

all seven boys were called for an 'emergency meeting' jungkook had a pikachu onesie on, while taehyung was in silky pyjamas. jin and namjoon looked tired as hell. yoongi wore an angry pout messing with his damp hair. jimin wore a bathrobe with his arms crossed. hoseok wore the same thing he was wearing earlier and did not look happy.

"no relationships within the team is allowed."

with that, everyone was mad, even namjoon who had made up the rule had to admit he was kind of mad.

back to their rooms everyone fell asleep quickly, "nice one, kitten." hoseok said sarcastically. yoongi desperately wanted to cry, and cry, and cry a little more. jimin and hoseok fell asleep quickly while yoongi lay, restless.

since the small boy had nothing else to do, he cried. he covered his mouth to stop his sobs from being so loud, he cried for what seemed ages but was only an hour, until he fell asleep.

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