kim namjoon

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i entered the market near my house holding on to yoongi's hand. his hand felt sweaty against my bigger one. i looked at him but he seemed completely relaxed even though i knew he wasn't.

we went to the candy aisle, "this is easy right?" yoongi asked with a shaky voice. i nodded, too scared to speak.

i pulled my hat down a bit more to cover my face. i reached for a snickers bar while yoongi grabbed some skittles. the cashier looked at us raising an eyebrow, "are you two ready?" she asked politely.

"we're always ready." i smirked pulling yoongi's hand and running out the door. "hey! get back here!" she yelled after us. we knew this place like the back of our hands, we quickly lost her.

i panted as we reached the park. yoongi jumped showing off his gummy smile, "we did it! we fucking did it, joon!" i smiled taking a seat on the dewy grass. opening my snickers bar.

he opened his own candy looking at me for a moment. "joon. i really wanna-" he cut himself off sighing for a moment. i looked at him waiting for him to continue.

yoongi leaned in a bit closer and kissed me. i pulled away as soon as i processed everything. yoongi shrugged, "just an impulsive act." I nodded in understandment.

we sat there for a moment before yoongi broke the silence, "i wish we were rich." he sighed, "big house, money, everything. the world at our feet." i smiled at the idea and nodded. he stuffed his mouth with skittles and stood up,"anyways, that was fun." he stretched his tense muscles while i stayed seated, "i'm gonna go home, see you tomorrow joon." he waved as he waddled away.

i didn't sleep at all that night. how could we become rich? idea after idea popped into my head. then i had it. i knew what we were going to do. but we needed to leave this hell first.

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