Chapter 41 : Mistakes of the present and the Past

Start from the beginning

Abdulzahir wanted to rush to her side and hug her, he never knew she was useful to his life till she wasn't there anymore. He just watched her feeling relaxed that she was finally home.

Zainab thought she was over everything he did to her, but she wasn't, seeing him now just got something so hard stuck in her throat. You could have done better Zainab she thought to herself.

He walked towards her and she felt her heart racing, she was scared, the fear of how he shut his eyes and assaulted her came rushing to her face. Coming to stand a few inches away her, she moved back,  making sure there was running distance between them.

Abdulzahir noticed the fear written all over her face, he did move closer, he decide to leave the space between them. He thought of what to say, I'm sorry, perhaps? But he couldn't say them.

"I miss you" he whispered, so thin she could mostly just imagine the words. He reached out to touch her but she moved away faster than his reach. He watched her for a minute or two, analyzing the details of her face. There was a bruise on the side of her chin, he wondered how it got there, he was so careful not to hurt her face.

He withdrew quietly without another word and back to his room. Zainab exhaled hard, tears trying to make their way out, she forced them back together with the anger that was keeping her from swallowing. That was his 'I'm sorry', his 'how was your journey', his 'i love you' and his 'I'm glad you're back home.'

She went back to her room wishing she stayed in Abuja. Benazir called to ask if everything was alright, Zainab told her what happened and she hissed. "do not lift a finger in that house today kinji? Just rest and ignore him" one thing that always gave her peace of mind was that her in-laws really liked her.

Zainab called her maid, informing her she was back and telling her to come to work immediately. A few minutes later and the woman came and Zainab instructed her to clean while she cooks.

His phone rang the 3rd time and he glanced at it again the third time, seeing it was still Benazir he almost ignored it again but then he decided to pick up to find out what she wanted. "hello?"

"dearest brother, wallahi if you don't get your shit together you will lose Zainab forever, kai din banzan ka? Ko kyau baka da shi sai rainin hankali, continue treating her like she's not human. Dan ka ga tana hakuri? but wallahi komin hakuri akwai gejin shi, idan kunne ya ji, jiki ya tsira. Idan ko kunne baya son ji, jiki ya wahala"

Before he could outter a word she hung up "kutumar uba!" he said out loud, when did Benazir start disrespecting him like this? And there was nothing he could do to her, because he wasn't on his parents good side. He called her back but she refused to pick and eventually she turned off her phone.

He thought about what she said for a minute, he was thinking about what happened between him and Zainab before Benazir called, the situation was poorly handled, no doubt. Was this the same girl he was going up and down Abuja to get back. He wanted to hug her and tell her he was sorry, he wanted to tell her he missed her, and when he neared her he saw she was scared he might hurt her. He didn't know how to assure her he wouldn't.

He was still bothered by what Teemah said to him the other night "Barrister Usman said the same thing when he called the other night" he pressed her to tell him what she meant but she just walked away and left him following her till he could no longer follow her.

He was so uneasy. She said something very nasty when he came in the day time. Everything was bothering him. It bothered him so much because he had been hearing stories about how young girls now prefer old men because it was easy money. "Could it be possible?" he whispered, then he shook off the thought as easy as it came. Knowing his father was nothing like all those sugar daddies.
He knew exactly when her mom was usual out of the house, she never goes anywhere anymore. The next day Abdulzahir went to see Teemah, again. He couldn't sleep the night before wondering why she keeps involving his father, it pained him that she dared to do that simply because she knew he couldn't hurt her. His father was not her playing mate and he came to tell her just that.

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