Chapter 42

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*The Next Day*

~•Rylan's POV•~

I woke up and ran to Nash's room. I woke him up and he groaned.

"Come on Peppay, I'm gonna hm dress you up" I said and he rolled his eyes

"This isn't gonna be good" he said and I smiled

"You probably right" I say and he groaned

*After Dressing Nash*

He came out of the bathroom wearing a flannel shirt jeans and cowboy boots and a sombrero. I giggled and hayes walked in.

"Oh Lord" he said and I laughed.

"Nash, come here I have to redraw your mustache" I said and he groaned and walked over I drew a really Bushy mustache. and smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I'll be back I have to get dressed" I yelled and ran out. I ran to Taylor's room and pulled out my outfit.

~•Rylan's POV•~ (I'll post the outfit on Insta)

•Short jean shorts

•Flannel shirt that you tie in front and shows stomach

•Hair braided in pig tails

•Flower in hair

•cowboy boots

I walked out of the bathroom and Taylor dropped his phone and stared at me in shock. I smirked

"Taylor honey, close your mouth you gonna catch flies" I said and he closed his mouth and I walked out of the room and I could feel his eyes on my butt. I turned around and I was right. and he turned red.

I walked to nash's room and walked in. and he just starred at me

"I wouldn't mind actually being your boyfriend right now" he says and I start laughing.

"Did I say that out loud?" he asks

"Yeah" I say while laughing and he turns red. Then Cam and Jack G walk in and I'm standing there as they stare me down.

"Okay, stop eye fucking my girlfriend" says Taylor as he walks in and Cam and Jack come back to reality.

"You should wear that tonight" Taylor whispers in my ear.

"Oh really, and why is that?" I whisper back and he smirks

"You'll See" he says.

"Taylor?" I say and he looks at me

"What?" he says

"I'm preggo remember that" I whisper

"God damit!" he says a little to loud and Everyone looks at him.

"What?" says Nash

"Nothing, uh..." he says and I giggle.

"What is Rylan being a tease" says Jack with a smirk. and I stick my tongue out at him and he does it back

"Yeah, but she can't help it" says Taylor and I smack him don't give them hints, they are like Basic white girls if one finds out the whole world will know" I say and they start laughing.

"Once you find out what I'm talking about, you won't be laughing" I mumble and Nash looks at me.

"Wait a minute" he looks at Taylor then to me then back to Taylor

"Are you...Preggo?" he asks and Cam and Jack look at me.

"Uh...If I say yes will I live?" I ask and Nash pulls his eyebrows together.

"No" he says very dramatically.

"Then No I am not" I say with a smile. and he chased me out of the room we run down the hall and then I stop in the Stairwell cause he went to the elevator. I start to walk back but then I feel someone smack my butt. Nash

"I'm going to kill you and you had paint on your hand" I say and he smiles.

"GUYS! TIME TO GO TO MAGCON!" we hear Bart yell and I groan and stomp up the stairs to him but Nash smacked my but and now I have his hand print on my butt. I wanna get it off!" I yell down the hall to him and he just laughs

"You kids are so weird" he says and I groan and we walk to the limo.

*At Magcon*

"AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...PEPPAY AND ROSITA!" yells the announcer and Nash runs on stage with me. and the crowd burst into laughter. And Nash just faces around with me in his arms. and I look at Taylor and he is just laughing.

"Okay, So here is our story" said Nash and handed me the mic.

"Okay, so I was gonna marry Taylor but he had to eat a live chicken if I did, so you know we didn't get married and my cousin victor told me about Peppay here and now he is my boyfriend and we are in love, plus he let me draw a mustache on him" I say and the crowd started laughing.

"Excuse meh, Sènnòr?!" Said someone I looked over to see Taylor with a mustache and a sombrero on. I started laughing and he came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"This is my lady and yo' ratchet ass better back off" he said in a girl voice and I was so confused cause I thought we were doing the whole cowboy type thing but now we are 16 year old girls...

*Later that day*

I walked into Taylor's room and was about to change into my normal clothes when Taylor stopped me by kissing me. His hands where on my hips and mine arms were around his neck.

"Jump" he said into the kiss and I did and he caught me and his hands were right on my butt, and I think he knew what he was doing. he laid me on the bed and didn't break the kiss. then there was a Knock on the door. Taylor pulled away

"FUCK OFF!" he yelled and started kissing me again..

~•Nash's POV•~

I went to Taylor's room to get Rylan, but when I knocked he yelled 'fuck off' so I just chuckled and walked away.i walked into me and hayes room a she looked at me

"I thought you were gonna get Rylan" he said

"Her and Taylor were having couple time" I say and he rolls his eyes

"But I still can't get this mustache off" I say and he laughs

"I guess you'll be Peppay forever" he says and I roll my eyes.

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