Chapter 40

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~•Rylan's POV•~

I woke up in Taylor's arms I smiled and snuggled I to his chest. Then the door burst open and all the guys ran in and a few girls and the only one I knew was Brittney Nash's girlfriend. I glared at them and they looked at me.

"What?" they say

"You woke me up, now you are on my kill list" I say and their eyes go wide

"Guys...Slowly back out of the room" says hayes very slowly and dramatically, and he leads them in backing away slowly I laugh at them and they all back away and Nash closes the door then yells

"RUNN!" so loud people in china could hear him. I turn back over to see Taylor's brown eyes looking at me.

"Good morning" he says and I giggle

"Good morning" I say and we just look at each other he starts to lean in and our foreheads are touching

"Well, I have to get ready" I say and hop out of bed. and he whines

"Whhyyy?" he says

"Cause" I say and walk away

"Your such a tease!" he yells and I giggle and run out of the room. I slow down and walk down the hallway.

"RYLAN!!" I hear I turn and see Cam and a girl.

"What?" I say

"This is Lee she's my girlfriend and I wanted you two to meet and maybe you could be friends?" he says and I smile.

"Hi, I'm Rylan and sorry if I scared you back there" I say with a chuckle.

"I'm Lee, and it's okay" she says

"Well, I have to go but I'm coming back later so, I'll see ya" I say and turn and walk away.

*Later That Day*

I walked into Taylor's room and yelled

"TACO BELL TACO BELL WHO WANTS TACO BELL!!" everyone shot up and yelled

"ME!" I laughed

"Well I don't have any sooo" I said and the all glared at me.

~•Taylor's POV•~

I was playing Xbox with Hayes, Nash, and Cam. Shawn and The Jacks were making a vine and Rylan sat down with Brittney and Lee.

~•Rylan's POV•~

I was sitting wit da girls, and we were laughing at how the boys were yelling at the TV. then Nash lost and belly flopped on top of hayes.

"NASH, GET OFF YOU FAT FUCK!" yelled hayes and we started laughing Britney went over to Nash and pulled him off hayes and hayes hugged her.

"Hey, Homeboy hand off!"yelled Nash and we all started laughing and Brittney sat back down.

"Heyyo I'm here and I brought food!" said a girl with dark hair and brown eyes.

"Not to be rude but, Who Iz You?" I said

"That's Natalia matts girlfriend" said Cam and I nodded she gave the guys their food and sat down with us

"We should all go shopping together!" I say and they and they all smile and nod

"Yeah, that would be really fun!" says Lee and we all keep talking about whatever.

~•Andrea's POV•~

I was watching TV when I heard my name.

"ANDREA!! ANDREA!!! HELP!!" yelled Jc

"What?" I said walking into the bathroom where he was standing.

"Where's Rylan, we need her to unclog the toilet" he said and I rolled my eyes

"You do it, she's at Taylor's she had something important to tell him" I say

"What was it?" he asked

"I can't tell you" I say and he smirks.

*10 minutes later*

I'm pinned on the ground and all the guys are yelling

"WHAT WAS IT!! TELL US!!" I groan

"I can't she said I can't tell anyone!" I say. and Kian starts to tickle me.

"STOOOP!" I yell


"She's pregnant!" I say in between laughing cause Kian was tickling me . everything went quiet. and Connor let a tear escape his eyes and everyone just stared at me in shock. The the door opened....Rylan, And Taylor.

~•Rylan's POV•~

"Dude...You got her preggo?" asked Sam and I looked at Andrea

"I told you not to tell anyone" I said

"They pinned me down and were tickling me, I'm sorry I'm weak" I says and she giggles a little.

"You are, and I guess they were gonna find out sooner or later." I say

"Well, now we are gonna have to Be careful with you" Jc said

"Mkay, right" I say and they chuckle and they smile.

"Baby Rylan or Taylor in da way!!!" yells Trevor and Sam. and I giggle

"Oh, by the way I have a appointment tomorrow, you wanna come?" I ask Taylor

"Yeah, if course" he says and I smile

"Well we have to go plan our wedding byee!" I say and we walk Into my room

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