Chapter 12

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~•Shawn's POV•~

I was sitting on my chair at the airport and Rylan was talking to Matt. Jay walked over and sat next to me.

"What's up man?" I asked

"Do you and Rylan have a thing?" he asked

"Uh...I don't know I mean we did when she left but I don't know if that spark is still there all I know is...It is for me." I say and he nods

"Why, do you guys have a thing?" I asked

"We did, but I think she likes or misses you..." he says

"Look man, you were with her first Ill back off I didn't know" I say and he chuckles

"Nah, Id rather her be happy with you then sad with me..." he says

"Oh, Well may the best man...Uh...Date the super model?" I say and he chuckled

"Sure man." he says with a smile and Rylan comes back over.

"What did Matt say?" I ask

"He was asking how we met but he doesn't have a clue and he almost killed me when he said that all the guys were really Sweet. I choked and I know your sweet but not all of the guys are..." she said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

~•Rylan's POV•~

"Ok, Guys and Girls let's get in the Limo's and make our way to the hotel before we get mobbed!" yelled a man who I think was Bart. We walked out of the air port and into the open. There were two limos waiting outside I got in one with Shawn, Jay, Lilly, Johnson, Gilinsky, Matt, And Carter and everybody else went into the second one. We drove for about a half an hour and the whole time me, Shawn, Matt, Jay, And Lilly were making crazy vines. My favorite is when Matt moons the camera and Carter yells

"Nice Ass!" in the back round and Matt slaps him and Jay And Lilly start singing 1D(I don't even know😂). We got to the hotel and there were tons of girls screaming and waiting at the hotel for us. the people in the other limo got out first then the people in our limo and I was the last one out and when I got the crowd went crazy! I was signing things and taking pictures but then they pull me into the crowd and I am immediately surrounded by Teenage screaming girls. I hear Shawn and Jay yelling for me and then I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away I am pulled into somebody's chest and I look up to see Shawn.

"Hi" I say

"Hey" he says with a chuckle. and we walk into the hotel. And we walk over to the other guys and I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn around and there's cam.

"Oh!" I yell and I swear I jumped back like 5 feet. and run into Shawn.

"Woah, It's just me" cam says with a chuckle.

"That's not a good thing..." I mumble under my breath

"What?" he says

"Oh, nothing..." I say and he nods

"Well, You, Me, And Nash are sharing a room..." he says and my eyes go wide.

"Do you want help with your stuff?" he asks

"Nope, I'm good" I say and he walks away.

"Shawn, I'm sharing a room with Cam And Nash Help me..."i said and he hugged me

"It's okay, they don't know about you...And if they hurt you tell me or Jay and we'll beat the shit outta them." he says and I giggle

"Thanks Shawn" I say

I walk to my room with Cam and Nash and the whole time they are asking me questions about my past. And I'm like No Bitch No I don't want to tell you the story about how you beat me up everyday...

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