Chapter 1

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~•Rylan's POV•~

*Beep*. *Beep*

I am awoken by my stupid alarm clock. I slap it and it falls off my little table and shatters into a million pieces. Great. note the sarcasm. I get up and walk into my bathroom I get in the shower and then dry my hair and curl it. I pin my bangs back with a bow and walk to my closet to find a outfit

Rylans outfit~

•Lite Blue skinny jeans

•Shirt that says ' 2 glam 2 give a Dam'

•And black converse

I walk downstairs to see my older sister Megan making Breakfast. Yum.

"Hey, good morning I put some food on a plate for you" she says and I grab my plate.

"Thank the Lawd! I is starvin!" I yell and she laughs. I eat my food and grab my back pack and pennyboard and walk out the door I ride to school as fast as I can trying to get there before my bullies see me. I get to school and walk to my locker without being noticed. I open my locker and put my stuff in, but then my locker is closed on my hand.

"Ow!" I yell.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt you?" Says Nash. God I hate this kid. i try to open my locker but it won't budge.

"You stuck there?" he asks laughing at my struggle.

"Nash, Shut Up you probably broke my hand and don't even give a damn but yet you still have to make your smart ass comments!" I say and I don't know where the sudden burst of Confidence came from. Nash opens my locker and walks away. My hand is throbbing, red, and puffy. And best of all It hurts like a Bitch! I go to the nurse and as soon as she sees my hand her eyes go wide.

"You need a cast!" she says and provides me with a Cast.

I walk to my second class cause I missed the first one. I walk into the class room and the teacher looks at me.

"Miss. Wills would you like to tell me why you are so late?" says Mrs. Abbey. I show her my hand.

"Oh, Ok...Take a seat" she says and I sit down. The only seat left was right next to two of my other bullies, but they weren't the worst ones, the worst one was none other then...Taylor Caniff. I sit down and start to take note when a paper lands on my desk. I open it

Why don't you just kill yourself, Nobody likes you.

I roll my eyes and put the paper in my back pocket. I try to focus on the board, but Matt and Carter keep whispering things in my ear like 'Slut' and 'Whore' but I have learned to ignore that stuff after 5 years of it you get used to it.


I stand up to walk to my next class. but Someone it's me and I drop everything I look up to see Carter laughing.

"what did I ever so to you?" I mumble under my breath but he must of heard.

"What did you say?" he says

"What did I ever do to you?" I say louder this time.

"You were born that's what you did" he says and walks away. I picked up my books and walked to my locker. And got my book for my next class and walked to my next class and nothing happened. I say down as the the teacher walked in.

*Skipping to lunch*

I went to get lunch and then went to the library where I always eat my lunch. Alone. I eat and then I hear someone sit down next to me. I look up and see a Girl and A Boy. they are both looking at me.

"Hi?" I say more like a question

"Hi, why are you here all alone?" asks the girl.

"Cause I don't have any friends" I say.

"Well, I'll be your friend and I'm sure Kian will to." she says and the boy nods.

"Ok, I'm Rylan" I say and she smiles.

"I'm Andrea and this is my boyfriend Kian" she says.

*After school*

I was at my locker putting my stuff in my back pack and getting ready to leave when Andrea walked up to me.

"Hey!" she says

"Hi!" I say

"Here, take my address we should hang out later" she says and I smile

"Ok, Text me when" I say and she smiles and walks away. I grabbed my bag out of my locker and walk to the parking lot but someone grabs my arm and pulls me behind the school I look up and see all 9 of my bullies smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I ask. and Aaron and Matt grab me and hold me against the wall. Taylor walks up to me and throws a punch right at my face then at my stomach and I fall over in pain. But Matt and Aaron pull my back up. Nash punches me 3 times in the face. And cameron twice in the stomach. I fall to the ground and they all start kicking me.

"NO! STOP NOW! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I hear someone yell then my bullies fighting someone else. What looks to be about 6 other guys. All my bullies fall to the ground and I see someone pick me up. I look and see Kian.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Me and Andrea and my friends are going to help you" he says before I black out...

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