Chapter 37

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~•Rylan's POV•~

Me and Andrea hopped into her car and drove to a Taco Bell. We got there and got our food we sat down in a booth at the back of the place, and ate. We talked about we are gonna do during tour and stuff.

"Andrea? can I ask you something?" I asked

"Yeah" she said

"Will you be my maid of honor?" I ask and she lights up.

"OMG! really?" she asks

"Yeah" I say giggling.

"Yeah I would be honored!!!" she says and I smile. we finish our food and throw away our trash we walk out into the cold air. the sun was slowly setting we got into Andreas car and drove back to the hotel we walked into the lobby and to the elevator. I pressed the button that led to the top floor and the elevator went up. We walked into our penthouse to see the guys yelling at the TV and jumping in the couch.

"GUYS!!"Andrea yelled and they all froze and looked at us like a deer in head lights.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked.

"Uh...Call of duty?" says Sam.

" about your rooms" she said pointing to the bedrooms.

"Your not our mother!" said Ricky

"You wanna go down that road with us, I've kicked ass before and you've seen it don't make me kick yours." I say and their eyes all widen and they run to their rooms.

They are so stupid, you can't leave them alone for more then an hour or else that happens" says Andrea and I giggle. We walk over to the area where they were playing Xbox and cleaned up the Food and pillows they left all over the place. After that we plopped down on the couch and Andrea watched TV while I edited the Video we made earlier.

I was almost done editing when my phone started ringing I picked it up and it was a blocked number

*Phone Call*

R- Hello?


R- Nash...Im not fucking stupid

Nash- * Extremely Loud laughing* Sorry..

R- You guys are annoying

Taylor- Miss you Bae!!

R- Miss you too!

Taylor- Gtg later Bæ

R- Bye!

I say then hang up I shake my head and chuckle to my self and look over to see Andrea had woken up.

"You fell asleep while I was editing" I say and she nods

"Mkay, I'm going to my room" she says and walks down the hall I to her room...

*The Next Morning*

I wake on the couch with my laptop on my lap and half my body is handing off the couch. I sit up and walk with my laptop into my room. I put my laptop on my bed and walked Into my bathroom and washed my face and changed into a sweater and black leggings I Straitened my hair and put on a 'Neff' Beanie and my combat boots. I lay on my bed and go on twitter and try to pass the time I have till Dream Tour...

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