You feel the need to drive her as crazy as she does to you.

She's going to tell you she loves you one day.

I'll miss you, but I'll always love you.


P.S. Put these letters somewhere safe. Then, when you have a big fight, open the others letters. That's what Ed and I did and we lasted over half a century. I love you Blakie.

I've cried a few times in my life, but two days in a row? Man, I was weak. I hastily wiped the tears from under my eyes and folded the letter back into the envelope before standing. I walked out of the room and ran to Raelene. I stopped right in front of her and decided to take some advice from Millie.

I looked at her eyes, and for the first time I noticed that they had even lighter blue flecks than I thought.

My eyes moved down to her lips and she licked them nervously. That pushed me over the edge. My eyes glanced back up to meet hers and down to her lips again. I leaned forward and pushed my lips against hers just like she had when she finished reading her letter.

I felt her smile against my lips and I smiled, too. I wanted to know what her letter said, but I knew that after a big fight, I'd know. I knew we'd have a big fight because I would still be me and Raelene would still be Raelene. I pulled away from her this time, no matter how much I didn't want to, to study her face again.

She had a tiny scar in between her eyebrows, the side of her nose and right beneath her now swollen lip. She had a beauty mark right on her cheek bone and I noticed the little indent on the bottom of her chin.

"Blake...?" I heard her say my name nervously but I shook my head.

"Not done yet."

Looking down at her arms, I noticed the scars that littered her forearms. I knew that she didn't cut herself, but I'd still love her no matter what. I wanted to know the story behind each one of those scars.

I saw the few split ends that were scattered throughout her dark hair, but I also noticed the shine of it from the light.

I was the corniest I had ever been, but I didn't have a single care in the world.

I knew from the moment I ran into Raelene that she was different. Not in that 'love at first sight' cheesy way. I didn't think 'Damn... I'm gonna marry her.' I thought that she was beautiful, of course, but I also thought that she was an uptight bitch. I wanted to know why she didn't try to impress me after she met me.

And then I found out about Alek. She just told me the story and I already wanted to rearrange his face. I don't know why I told her my story, no one had ever heard of it, but I did because I wanted to know why she didn't like me.

Thank God for my selfishness.

"Blake! Why are you staring at me?" Raelene's voice broke my thoughts and I looked at her with a goofy smile on my face.

"You are so goddamn beautiful." I didn't mean to say that.

Her face grew red after the words left my mouth and she kissed me to hide her embarrassment. I smiled on her lips and she laughed a little.

"So, let's go get your stuff out of Alek's place?" I suggested. Her features darkened and she looked away from me.

"Why?" Wasn't the reason obvious?

"Maybe because we're together now?"

"Are we? Just because Mildred passed away and left us very sweet letters, it does't automatically mean that we're together," Raelene explained. We were still standing in the hallway and I needed to sit down because my head was starting to spin.

"You still want to be with him? This didn't mean anything?" I asked, referring to the letters, Millie, the kisses... everything.

"It meant so much Blake, you know it did." She leaned against the wall.

"You haven't even told me everything about all of the girls you were with this past week. You could've slept with all of them and I'd never know! You can't just treat me like shit and expect me to come back."

She had a point.

"I'll tell you everything, Raelene. Everything. What do you want to know? Right here, right now. Ask me anything." I couldn't let her get away. She couldn't go back to him.

"Who was Mildred to you?" That's what she wanted to know?

"She is- was my biological grandmother," I told her. Millie was my dads mother. She never adopted me because she was too poor to keep herself fed and she knew that there was a family out there who wanted a child and could care for me better than she could.

"I don't know what else I want to know. I just want to go to sleep."

"Stay here?" I begged, hating this vulnerability Raelene brought out in me.

"I'm gonna go back to Alek's for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and started to lean in, but then she walked away to call Alek.

She came back into the hallway a few minutes later and stood awkwardly in front of me.

I started to speak. "I have- uh. I have something to confess." What was I doing?

Raelene furrowed her eyebrows but looked at me patiently.

"The day that your garage broke?"


"I might've messed with it a little it so I could give you a ride?" My voice kept raising in volume at the end of all of my sentences, like I wasn't sure what I wanted to say around her and I hated it.

There was a honk from outside and Raelene smiled at me one more time and left my house. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out two more letters.

For Him and For When You Tell Each Other.

I ran outside to follow Ralene and I called her name. I saw Alek resting casually against his motorcycle and I fought the urge to knock his teeth out.

"It's for Alek," I spat his name like it was toxic and Raelene took the letter from my fingers gingerly. Her lips were still swollen from my kisses and I felt pride build up inside of me.

Take that Alek.

Raelene crawled onto the bike and I tried to block out the way her arms wrapped around his waist but it was too challenging. I ran forward and pushed my lips against hers again and I felt her lips move against mine for an instant, but pull away right before Alek's fist connected with my jaw.

I fell onto the ground, my eyes looking up towards the sky. I heard the engine roar to life before pulling out of my driveway. I laid on the cold concrete and stared at the night sky, convinced that Raelene put the stars up there.

* * * * * *

I was pleasantly surprise with some parts of this chapter, and disappointed with others.

What could Alek's letter say?

What did Millie mean when she wrote 'For When You Tell Each Other'?


Thank you SO much for reading FFTGB! 1.7 THOUSAND READS I LOVE YOU

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