Chapter 12

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James: Seeing Rae show up at my house and request Blake broke my heart into two pieces. Seeing her show up at my house at one in the morning with a tear stained face absolutely shattered it.

I had to watch the girl I really did love walk upstairs with my brother to do God knows what in his room. I knew Blake was actually so shallow that he'd take advantage of her.

Then, you add on the fact that Alek is back. Rae was falling apart in front of everyone's eyes and no one knew what to do.

I had to get Rae to forget about me because I knew I wasn't going to be any good for her. I knew that I was going to hold her back. What's that saying? If you love something, let it go? It'll come back if it loves you too?

It was about six in the morning when my phone started ringing. The sound woke me up and I rubbed away the grogginess from my eyes.

"Hm," I grunted.

I heard sobbing on the other end. "The hospital," I heard Alice gasp. 

I also heard Beth. "Oh my God... They don't think she's gonna make it!" More sobbing.

I sat upright in my bed. "Who?" Nothing but crying. "WHO?!" I screamed as loud as I could. Blake ran into my room.

"Raelene's gone," he said.

"Rae is dying," Alice said at the same time.

I didn't think it was possible for my heart to break any further, but by now it would be a pile of dust.

Blake was too unstable to drive. He sat in the passenger seat of my Hummer, muttering to himself. I looked over to him and saw tear tracks on his face. I touched my own face and my fingertips came back glistening with moisture.

I heard Blake shout something, but I couldn't make out what. I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, barely aware that my truck was taking up two spaces and still in the middle of the road at the same time.

My brother and I spilled out of my truck in an instant. I didn't even bother locking it behind us, I'm not sure Blake even shut his door. We made our way to the front desk.

"Raelene Ammerman?" The woman at the desk batted her lashes at us and tried to smile in a flirting way, but I just wanted to slap that grin off of her face. "RAELENE AMMERMAN!" I spoke loudly and slowly, as if she was dumb.

She stopped smiling and glared at me then typed something into the computer.

"She's in surgery. They don't think she'll make it." The woman's voice showed no hint of remorse and I heard Blake swear.

"You can wait with the others." I looked over to the waiting area and saw Beth, Alice and Alek. Her parents weren't even there. Wait... Alek?!

I grabbed Blake by the arm and pulled my delirious brother to the chairs. I pushed him into the chair and tried to get him to calm down.

Beth and Alice were clinging onto each other, make up running down their faces. Alek's head was pushed between his knees and his shoulders were shaking violently.

Would you look at that... The monster has feelings.

A doctor walked into our little group, and made eye contact with each of us.

* * * * * *

Blake: I knew Raelene was broken, all I wanted to do was help her. I didn't know how to do that so I just called her. Her voice that night over the phone... it just ruined me. I just wanted to hold her and put her back together.

I woke up to James' voice screaming 'who' and I instantly realized that Raelene was gone. I looked everywhere, but she was gone.

She was sitting in the squeakiest chair in the entire house! How could I not hear her get up and leave? I ran into my brother's room to tell him that Raelene wasn't anywhere in the house and he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Raelene's gone," I breathed as I looked at my brother.

James got out of his bed and we ran to his car. While I sat in the passenger seat, he told me that she was in the hospital.

Tears were blurring my vision and the second that they spilled over, the world was clear again. But then it started shaking and I felt like I was gonna puke all over the car.

I heard myself shouting, but I wasn't aware of what I was saying. Once the car came to a halt, I fumbled with the handle but I finally gripped it and pushed open the door. I tripped over my feet and stumbled into the hospital with James.

I was leaning on the desk, unaware of everyone staring at my brother shouting at the lady behind the desk. I heard the words 'surgery' and 'won't make it' and I was pushed over the edge.

I grabbed my hair and started cursing as loud as I could, ignoring the hateful stares from strangers. I felt James' arm tug me to a seat and I fell into it. I shrugged off any contact from him. I didn't want anyone to touch me.

I looked up and tried to register the people around me. James...Beth...Alice... and Alek. My vision suddenly got tinged with red and I stood up to beat the sense out of him.

He probably did this to Raelene! I wouldn't put it past him! I felt James tug on my arm and shout my name, but it was muffled over the roaring of blood in my ears. Alek looked up at me and his eyes met mine. If looks could kill, he'd be long gone by now.

I noticed the red splotches and tears on his cheeks but I still wanted to ruin his face.

A doctor stepped into the room with a clipboard and I froze at his words.

* * * * * *

Alek: I knew finding Raelene would ruin her. My selfishness forced me to track her down and kiss her one more time. I shouldn't have done that. I knew that I'd get attached to her all over again. I wanted her to fall for me one more time.

I knew I shouldn't have taken advantage of her that night. I shouldn't have given her so many drinks, or drank that many myself. 

If there was one thing I could take back, it'd be that night. I just want her to be happy, as crazy as that sounds because I was the one who made her miserable.

When I saw her a few nights ago, I was taken aback by how beautiful she had gotten. When that guy, Blake, showed up, I didn't know if I should walk away or beat him up.

Now, I know that I should've walked away and let her be happy, but I was too selfish.

I was driving on the longest, darkest road I could find when I came across something that made my heart stop.

I saw Raelene's car, completely demolished in a ditch at the side of the road. There was smoke and tire tracks and I had to check to see if she was still in there. Inside, I saw Raelene's face stained with blood. There was glass everywhere and there was something that was sticking out of her left rib cage, right underneath her heart. I looked in the back seat, and saw that the thing protruding from her chest was also sticking out from the back of her seat, meaning it had went right through her.

I pulled out my phone and called 911 as fast as I could, the ambulance and fire truck and police officers came as soon as they could. I had been checking Rae's pulse every few minutes and I stayed sitting outside of her door, holding her hand.

By the time the paramedics made their way down to us, her pulse was so faint that I wasn't sure if I was feeling a ghost of it or if it was actually still there. 

I followed the ambulance to the hospital. My hands were stained with Raelene's blood and I wanted so desperately to hold her hand again, but the blood reminded me that it wasn't going to be possible, at least not for a long while.

All of her friends showed up, including her ex and Blake. Just as I knew they would, her parents never even made an appearance for a second to check if their daughter was okay.

I sat in the chair, my head between my knees to keep my nausea away but it wasn't working that well. I looked up when I heard chairs' legs squeaking on the white tile and I made eye contact with Blake. I knew how he felt about Raelene. It was obvious.

I wanted him to hit me. I wanted him to hurt me so bad that I forgot about Raelene, as horrible as it sounds.

Everyone looked up as the doctor arrived.

"She's awake. You may want to say your good byes while you have the time."

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