Chapter 13

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When the truck hit me, I felt an explosion of pain and then I didn't remember anything. I think I was floating in and out of consciousness while I was sitting in the ditch because I do remember hearing someone crying, someone holding my hand, and ambulance sirens. I also remember this pain in my chest, the worst physical pain that I have ever felt.

That was it though. 

I never saw my life flash before my eyes like they say you do, I don't think there was enough time.

I woke up in a hospital room, what seemed like 100 tubes in my arm, and a huge bandage around my rib cage. There was this dull aching there, but it would've been much worse had I not been on morphine.

Doctors and nurses were bustling in and out of my hospital room, checking my vital statistics and making sure I was comfortable.

We all knew that I was going to die.

In a croaking voice, I tried to talk to a nurse.

"May I have visitors? Please?" I begged, my throat scratching.

She left to ask my doctor if that would be alright and came back shortly after. "Yes, dear. But only one at a time. There are five people waiting to see you."


"I'll check." A few minutes later, she told me that Alice, Beth, James, Blake and Alek were waiting. My heart didn't even hurt when I realized that my parents weren't here.

"Blake first, please," I said without thinking. When Blake walked into my room, I heard my heart monitor beep faster and my oxygen levels drop. I tried to ignore his red, puffy eyes but it was just too much, I started to cry. Blake ran over to the chair beside my bed and grabbed my hand in the gentlest way possible.

"I know I'm supposed to be fighting with you and making you feel like you're losing your mind, but I just can't do it right now. Let me off the hook?" he begged, a sad smile on his face.

I tried to squeeze my fingers around his, but I don't think I did a very good job of it.

"You're off the hook, but only for now."

He glanced at the computers that showed my heartbeat and oxygen and I saw his eyes light up.

"Are you having trouble breathing because I'm here?" he joked, but the small laugh sounded more like a sob.

"No, it's because I'm dying," I joked back. Blake's smile fell from his face.

My heart tugged at thought that this was most likely the last time I was going to ever see him.

"Is there anything you wanna say to me before it's someone else's turn?" I heard my voice crack as I spoke.

Blake nodded and tried to wipe away the fresh tears on his cheeks. "Thank you," he began. "I told you about my past and you didn't leave me, no matter how cruel I was to you. Thank you for being my friend, even if I wanted to be more." He wouldn't meet my eyes, just stared at our hands. "Save me a spot up there? Maybe if you tell him you're waiting for me, He might actually let me up there," he asked.

"Shut up, Blake. Don't talk like that. You're joining me whether or not I save you a place." Blake tried to laugh, but it came out as another sob. He leaned forward, softly pressed his lips to mine and I felt both of us smile.

"Remember, he's not the only who's kissed me anymore." He smiled at that, "You know how I said that I was set on falling for good boys?" I asked. 


"I wasn't lying, and I fell for the best guy out there, the problem was that I was dating his brother." He started to chuckle, but after a minute or two, his laughter began to change into even more sobs.

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