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Welcome to Book #3!!! I started writing this story in between Destined To Be King, this is the reason why uploads have been wacky!!! I'm really excited about this book so I hope that you guys love it too.


The Seattle breeze swept my long jet black hair off my shoulders as I stepped out of my father's Porsche. My appointed guard, Bruno, picked me up from my last exam at the University of Washington. I was officially done in my last year of Economics & Finance. It was the longest 4 years of my life, but I was more than excited to be done and graduated.

Bruno directed me inside my father's main office building located just by the oceanfront. It is a 36-floor glass building. Every floor is designated to a different department in my father's trading, export & import business. My great-grandfather built this company from nothing. Now my father made it his mission to make our family one of the world's richest families and succeeded. According to the investment world, My father is known as the spawn of the Devil. Which makes me...The Devil's Daughter.

After going through an unnecessary amount of security in the main lobby, we managed to slip towards my father's secret gold elevator hidden behind the receptionist's desk. This elevator takes up directly to the 36th floor where my father's office is located. He dedicated the entire floor himself. Besides the small secretary desk, security desk, and a tiny office, he uses all that extra space for an office bigger than most homes.

Once the elevator stopped on the final floor, I noticed my father's secretary slowing banging her head on her desk. Poor girl, she does that whenever my father is extremely demanding and unbearable. Whenever father's in a mood, everyone suffers around him. Taking a breath, I made my way to my father's office door.

The frosted glass doors were open as usual. Father sat behind his large oak desk on his laptop. The shutters on his large wall windows were drawn back, barring the rare Seattle sun through the office. Father adored the windows behind him; no matter what weather Seattle had, the reflection will always create the allusions of all-mighty powerful.

Father didn't look up from his computer but knew it was his daughter in his presence.

"Adrienne, how was your last exam?" Father spoke unbothered.

"Fine, Sinister. I'm guessing from Amy's forehead that you lost the Italian deal?" Whenever I'm in public, I referred to my father as Sinister. That is his business name. He thought Devil sounded too...' old school.' Sinister made him feel more of a badass, and I lived to see my father happy.

"Always sweet-talking me, baby girl? But yes, those fucking Italians pulled out the deal last minute! They didn't want to 'upset that fucking Serpent DiMichael'!" He pushed off from his desk to stand.

Father was a 43-year-old Spanish Casanova, as many would say. He is a walking bank. From his crisp weekly styled black hair, his sparkling brown eyes, his award-winning smile and his luxurious tanned skin. These were just a few non-disgusting characteristics my mother has given him over the years. Although I resemble her more, I'm lucky to get his winning smile and cunning mind.

"Why don't you talk to DiMichael? He is the reason your business is USA based. Get an agreement from his means international deals." I suggested as I sat on the couch in the far corner.

"A devil making a deal with a devil means instant Hell darling. Won't be good for anyone if we got together."

"I understand that, but if you could strike a deal, can you imagine how far you can take the company? How many people would pay to use your ports for their shipping? People would bow down to you, Sinister."

Father turned his back to me as he took in the incredible view. He is considering what I had said. Father loved power; everything he has created was to gain more power and money. If he could, he would rule the world—the mere thought of people bowing down to him like a God brought overwhelming joy to him.

"You always know exactly what to say...I'll considers it."

I smiled softly. The world saw me as another bimbo heiress, but my father always listened to what I had to say. He was one of the few people who knew how smart I truly was.

I left the father in his office to continue his work and returned home with Bruno. Our house was located near the office on the coast. It is an 8 bedroom & 10 bathroom estate with a guest/employee attachment house towards the property's edge. It's one of the smaller estates compared to the other homes we have across the world, but it was my mother's favourite house before she left, and my father secretly refuses to give it up.

When my mother decided to leave my father, the house lost the title of a home. The love in the air was gone, the cold emptiness of my father's heart remained in the walls. I had more than enough money and connections to find my own place, but the thought of leaving my father alone scared me more than the world I was raised in. That's why I chose to stay with my father when my mother left 4 years ago. She couldn't handle this life, and she never wanted this life for me, no matter how much she loved my father.

My father ran a legitimate business, although he has side businesses that do involve the mafia world. He is known as an ally for the mafia world. Many people come to him for help, advice, money or partnership. His name in any deal is guaranteed to be successful, and my father loves fast quick money and allies that can provide ultimate protection, so he teamed up with the Mafia world. Besides, because of his clean record, seeing his name in any mafia business keeps the police off their back. It's a win-win situation for everyone.

Everyone would win except my mother. I knew from a young age what my father was getting involved with, but my mother was kept in the dark. When she found out, she went ballistic. She didn't want to be trapped in such a drug-filled murderous life like her mother was in with her father. So she packed her stuff and moved into a penthouse an hour away from the house. She wanted me to come with her, but I couldn't. This life was all I knew. I was raised with these men; I went to school so I can be apart of this life. I may not look like a fierce beast like some of the wives or daughters in this life, but it doesn't matter. I can't imagine life outside this world.

This is the only world I knew, and this is the only world I want to be in.

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