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Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I took so long update this story! I lost my notebook with multiple chapters of the story that I've written so now I have to start all over again :(

But I'm excited to have a fresh new start and maybe this way will be better for me.


This moment was one for the history books. Chermaine Guzman has finally been put into her place by a man no less! No one would ever think this could happen, if I wasn't responsible for this debacle then I wouldn't believe it myself. From the watering eyes and shaking lips, Chermaine couldn't believe it either. She didn't know what to do. Christian gave her one final glare before sitting back down at the bar and turning his back towards us. He was clearly upset and over Chermaine's presence. This is his signal for her to go. 

The tears her eyes threatened to shed was supposed to bring me joy. It certainly brought joy to Gia's face; her smile lit up the entire room. Yet I was frowning. Chermaine being embarrassed actually made me feel...bad for her. All these years, she has tormented me, embarrassed me, made me feel worthless in my own home! For years I wanted her to feel just an ounce of how I felt every time she bullied me or took something away from me. This was my moment to show her how I felt for those years and now I FEEL BAD FOR HER?! I should be like Gia, grinning from ear to ear but the sight of her crying made me feel guilty. 

"Chermaine, I'm...Uh...Sorry for Christian's outburst. He isn't in the best mood." I said slowly. I looked back at Christian and saw him huff in laughter. Gia smacked my arm and gave me a shocking look. I know I'm going to get an earful from her soon.

"Yes well...I must be going back to V.I.P." Chermaine huffed away quickly. 

"Adrienne, what the hell was that?" Gia hissed quietly. I grabbed Gia's arm and brought her to the end of the bar far from Christian.

"I felt bad okay! Seeing her cry just made me feel so flipping bad for her and I don't know why! I'm more upset about this then you are." 

"I'm so confused. You were pumped up from the moment I told you about Chermaine up to this very moment. What about her ugly crocodile tears made you feel bad for her?"

"I don't know...I was so amped to make her cry but the moment I saw her eyes water, this soft side of me came out. For my whole life, she's tormented me and the moment that the roles reversed, it made me feel like crap. Like the bullied becomes the bullier and I hated that feeling."

This is a bigger problem for me then most can understand. I can't feel guilt or remorse. You can't feel bad for the weak. The weak need to be eliminated from the game, that's how the mafia life works. You get chewed up and spit out for the world to see if you show weakness as I did. If I want to be a part of this life and become a strong partner for Christian, things like this can't happen. Showing compassion is allowing Chermaine to win and I can't have her win again.

"I don't think you're weak Adrienne. You are strong and you are ready to be a part of this world if that's what you're thinking. It's hard to face family even if it's family you despise. It takes practice and strength to be ruthless in the game. If it was some random whore you would have set her in her place no problem but Chermaine has some intense history. Your time to show Chermaine who's boss will come and when it does, I'll be right there beside you."

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