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This chapter picture will be dedicated to Raven Bella Kingston; AKA Adrienne's mother. The actress playing her Rochelle Aytes

 The actress playing her Rochelle Aytes

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Monday morning came slower than usual. Father was already at the office and Charmaine was drinking her day away. My plan was to spend time painting but father instructed that Bruno bring me to the office the moment I woke up. Bruno failed to mention what my father needed me for but I obliged and followed him to the office. When we arrived, Sinister was locked inside his office slaving behind his computer. His eyes lacked sleep as he looked up at me. 

"Mija right on time. Sit down, we need to talk." I sat down in the armchair in front of his desk. My nerves shot to the sky as my father stood from his desk.

"As you know, we spent time and money trying to get the European deals. It seems that these deals cannot go down without the involvement of the Serpent. I am known as the Devil but word around town is DiMichael is the Devil's nightmare. Going into business with some young arrogant demon like him seems like a suicide mission. Still, it was a mission I'm willing to take." 

 My eyes widen at my father's speech. Sinister is going into business with the Serpent? Out of all the advice I've given him over the years, he decides to listen to this one?! Going to business with a man like Christian DiMichael meant the end of sanity. He will ruin you, drain you dry, and leave your flesh to the savages. 

I couldn't let father go through this. If Serpent destroys my family, I don't know what I'll do.

"Sinister, I was just suggesting you make an agreement or understanding with the Serpent, not go into business with him. Surely, there are other ideas that don't involve a walking demon."

"Oh, I've thought and fought every alternative. Every idea stops at the involvement of the Serpent and his family. So I decided to make contact. I sent a proposal that he couldn't refuse. A leg for a leg if you will. Turns out he needs my name associated with his FBI can get off his back."

Everyone in the dark world knew about Christian Serpent DiMichael and his family business. For generations, his family has been the biggest drug smugglers in history. Since Christian has gained power from his father, he's been trying to go in a different route. He wants to stray away from drugs and focus more weapons, state secrets, and currency. He wants to control every national secret. Drugs are too boring for him, he wants the world to fear the ground he walks on.

"So that's it? You're going to business with a man who wants to betray his country for money? Sinister and his family is bad news." If anything happened to Sinister because of him...I will never forgive myself.

"Mija, there's a lot you don't know about that man. I will only be dealing with him. I don't have to worry about his crazy Wife or his family. They're divorced recently because she's been overstepping her role. Which is why I need you to stay far away from this. Someday I want to leave my empire to you. I want my empire to be perfect before I fully let you into this world. So I need to sacrifice and work so you won't have too. So if that means I have to get my hands dirty then so be it."

From the look in his eye, I can tell his mind has been made up. There is nothing I can say or do to stop Father from this. Some twisted way he is right. There is no way we can expand without the Serpent on our side. If I wanted to be in this world, I needed to be a team player. I needed to let the boss handle the business and be a supporter.

"Okay Sinister, I'll back down. I won't be in your way."

"Perfect. Serpent already accepted my proposal so he will be flying in within a week to draw up contracts and sign this deal. We will be hosting a party to celebrate his arrival. Everyone from the dark world should be there. I'm expected everything to run as smooth as possible. I need you working behind the scenes. Under no circumstances should you come to contact with the Serpent. I can't have you as a liability in case things go to shit." 

My heart stung from his words. A liability? I am his daughter, he should have faith that I can handle myself. When shit got rough, I conduct business meetings. I handled his partners and his money. Now he doesn't want me to show my face?

"I'm guessing Charmaine will be the hostess?" 

"Yes, she's a pretty face. She can come in handy when meeting the Serpent." 

Although father used Charmaine many times because of her looks, I've seen the way they act at social functions and I don't like it. They looked like the power duo. Father and daughter slaying all competitions with their looks and confidence. At times people mistook her for his daughter. Now, he doesn't even correct them when they do; even if I'm standing right behind them."

"Fine, send the details. I'll arrange the party." 

I didn't want for a dismissal. I collected my stuff and left before Sinister could speak. Instead of going home, Bruno dropped me off at my mother's penthouse. I couldn't stand to be home when Sinister comes.

Since Mother works from home, I knew she would welcome me with open arms. She spent her days designing. She opened hundreds of successful interior decor shops and services throughout the country. Since the separation, mother spent all her time crafting her dreams into reality. 

When she saw at the door, she knew I was upset. She knew everything before I could speak. Mother sat me down on her open balcony before I told her everything.

"He's actually going through with this deal, is he crazy?!" Mother screamed.

"Yes, and he wants Charmaine on his side when it does."

"That man... Do you know how in love he was with you when you were born? I thought he would never put you down by the way he cradled you. He said why to have any more children if God made the perfect child. I can't imagine why Charmaine would ever be better than you."

"My theory is A, I am nothing like how he expected, B Charmaine brainwashed him or C... I remind him too much of you and your happy times together."

Mother looked away sadly for a moment before putting on a brave smile. I knew leaving her family was the hardest thing she had ever done but she doesn't feel safe in this life.

"When is this function happening?"

"Most likely Friday. Why?"

Mother gave me a look that brought nerves to my soul. Did she want to attend the function? Not once has mother been interested in attending his functions but after hearing everything, I know she has something up her sleeves. This will be the first time they'll be in the same room in 4 years.

"Promise me if I send you the invitation that you cannot act crazy at the party. I know you mom, Dad married you for a reason."

"Oh Honey, I know how to keep a level head at these things. I'll even help you decorate. My team is at your disposal."

Even though my mother is straight up lying in my face, I needed all the support and help that I can get.

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