A Day Together

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I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter!!!! I'm going to try to prewrite the chapters ahead of time so I can post frequently.


From the moment I walked through the door, Christian never let me go. We moved from leaning on the desk to Christian's chair. He had me sitting on his lap with my back pressed to his hard chest. Christian seemed calmer since I walked through the door. He manages to rearrange his hair to look more presentable and some color appeared in his cheeks. A small smile creeps up inside me knowing that I have some impact on Christian.

"How do you expect to get any work done with me sitting on your lap?" I wondered as Christian's arms tightened around my waist.

"Work can wait." He huffed quietly.

"No, it can't. I want to spend time with you but I don't want to take you away from work. So I'm going to sit on the couch and read a book on my phone while you finish your work."

"If you fucking move from my lap, So help me God I will fucking destroy this office."

"God, what is wrong with you? Do you need to be so damn dramatic?"

"Fucking move and watch what will happen."

"Okay, I get it. Jackass." I muttered under my breath. Christian responded by tightly pinching my outer thigh.

I listened to Christian and stayed on his lap but I made sure he did his work instead of playing with my body all day. One hand stayed on my thigh as his other hand typed away at the computer. Although I prefer a different seating dynamic, I felt content being close to Christian and working alongside him. He gives me hope that we can run a future business together successfully. For the next few hours, we stayed like this. He didn't seem to mind the strange looks we got it whenever somebody had to come into the office to get Christian to sign some papers or finalize plans.

The clock struck 2 pm and my stomach started to grumble. I seem to forget that being with Christian would mean minimal time for a break. If it wasn't for me or my mother even my father would forget to take a break to eat his meals. I waited for the perfect moment when Christian was too preoccupied with whatever was on the screen and for his hand to make minimum movements on my thigh before leaping up from his lap and walked towards the door. Before I can reach the door I heard a click and gears shifting in the door before I can open it.

" Christian open the door" I demanded as I turned to face him.

" Where do you think you're going?" Christian didn't look up from his laptop.

" I was going to find the secret bodyguard that you convinced my father to hire for me to get me lunch. I'm starving."

Christian looked up from his screen slowly and looked at me. His gaze lingered at my stomach before his eyes were looking deep into mine. He redirected his attention back to his laptop. A few buttons and clicks later, the sound of his laptop powering down filled the room. Christian pushed his desk chair back and grabbed his car keys from inside his desk. He makes his way towards a gold coat rack by the corner near his desk and took off a dark brown trench coat before walking towards me.

"Sergei doesn't need to buy you lunch when I'm right here. Ask me next time."

I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He shot me a teasing glare before taking my hand and leading me out of his office.

Christian decided that he would drive into town to grab food instead of asking one of his guards to drive us. I didn't mind that, I wanted to spend as much quality and private time with him as I possibly can. It didn't take long for us to find a private small Italian restaurant just outside the downtown area. It was an upscale restaurant which means plenty of privacy for its customers. Christian managed to get us a table seated in the booth that was in the far dark corner of the restaurant by the kitchen. The restaurant was a bit dark but the candlelight on the table brought out a romantic cozy aura. The half-moon booth was large but I found myself snuggled close to Christian in the middle of the booth. Christian has barely been here a week and he's showing me the finer luxuries of Seattle; I should be showing him the fancy lifestyle.

"Where did you find the time to find a nice restaurant like this?" I wondered.

"Your lovely father sent a care package on the day of my arrival with all the best and secluded spots in Seattle."

"So I have to thank my father for this?"

"I brought you here. You thank me." Christian wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged me closer than before. There was absolutely no space between us. He leaned his head closer to me until his lips were placing soft kisses down my neck and along my shoulder blade. I should be squirming away but I held tight to his thigh and snuggled close; I want to be as close as I possibly can.

"Hmm... no fight?"

"Nope, I want to enjoy this."

Christian pulled back to look me in the eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." He states. But he is going somewhere. He's going back home and I won't see him for god knows how long. I can't be too sure of what the future holds but who knows, he might go back and forget that we ever happened. I didn't respond to his statement. I smiled sadly and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

Lunch was better than I expected. Christian ordered a Caprese salad, Carbonara with a side order of oysters. I could barely finish my pasta but thankfully I had a starving man beside me to help me finish off my plate. Christian paid the bill quickly and left the waiter a very generous tip before taking my hand and leading me out of the restaurant. We had a few more hours before Christian leaves for the dinner party.

"Are we heading back to the office?" I wondered as Christian helped me into the car. He waited until he settled into the driver seat before answering me.


"Can I know where you're taking me?"


There was no point in fighting with Christian. Although he seemed much more relaxed since I've been with him, I know he's still somewhat upset with whatever is bothering him.

We ended up back at his house. His house is crowded than usual. There were multiple large white moving trucks on his driveway and big muscular movers moving things out of his house and into the trucks. The sight almost brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't believe he's going to be gone in a matter of hours. He said he won't be gone for long but it seems like that might not be so true. 

Christian helped me out the car, took ahold of my hand, and led me inside the house.  He led me down to his hidden room. He didn't let go of me until we got to the bed. I took a seat on the corner of the soft bed and watched as he unbuttons his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his magnificent body and his beautiful artwork of tattoos.

"Eyes up here." He growled softly.

"You stare at me, why can't I stare at you?"

"I have to leave for your father's fucking dinner. Don't make me miss it because you want to...stare.

"That's a double standard and you know it." Once his shirt was off his body, he stalked over towards me.

He pushed me softly so my back would land on the bed with a bounce. I pushed myself up so I would lay in the middle of the bed. Slowly, Christian climbed upon the bed until he was hovering above me. 

Seems like Christian is trying to have some fun before he has to go.

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