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Back again with another chapter!!!!


I walked Gia back to the front doors of the club where Christian awaited us. He was leaning against his parked Porsche texting on his phone. Not looking up once, he opened the door with his free hand and pushed the passenger seat forward so Gia can climb into the back seat. I helped Gia into the car before fixing the passenger seat and climbing in. Christian continued to text beside the car for a few moments before walking to the driver side and climbing in. He zoomed off onto the main roads with clouds of dust trailing behind us.

The car ride was excruciatingly quiet and tense. Gia was constantly hiccuping in the back awhile trying to sit straight up, and Christian's focus was on the road. His jaw was clench harder than usual and his knuckle turned white as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. He was upset as usual but I can't tell how upset he was from a scale from pissed to livid. 

We got to Gia's home in a short decent time. I volunteered myself to help Gia out the car and walk her to the door. We took our time walking to Gia's door; mostly because I didn't want to go back into the car with Christian alone. I waited for Gia to unlock her front door before walking off.

"Wait Adrienne! Call me tonight I want to know how big his penis is!" Gia giggled as she leaned on the door.

"Are you crazy, we aren't having sex! He's going to bury me alive before he touches me." Just the mere thought of having sex with Christian was too much to handle.

"Oh please with the way you're dressed and how you handled Chermaine...there is no way you guys ain't touching each other tonight. CALL ME!" Gia slammed the door in my face before I could rebut.

I turned to look back at the Porsche. Christian still sat in the driver's side but instead of looking at his phone or the window he was staring directly at me. His right hand raised slightly as he gestured for me to come back with his index finger. His slow movements brought chills down my spine. My heels dragged against the pavement slowly. I needed to build up the same nerves I had back in the bathroom. The uncertainty of his anger is causing the most fear in me. The possibilities of his anger are endless! What if he takes me to his house and Never let's me leave? What if he tells my father that I've been going behind his back? What if he ties me up and makes me his slave? 

It took what felt like centuries but I made it back to the car. I took a deep breath in to calm my nerves before opening the door and stepping inside. Christian glared at me the entire time. He didn't say a word. Slowly, he raised his hand to wipe a loose hair from my forehead and brushed to back. He looked at me intensely as his hand slowly caressed my face. It felt like he was battling himself. A part of him could be so sweet and gentle towards me while the other side wants to dominate and devour me. Unfortunately, I don't know what side I liked or not. A part of me...the quiet reserved side of me likes the romantic and and gentle Christian. He makes me feel  cherished and beautiful while the new rebel side of me likes the roughness and danger the dominative side of Christian brings to the relationship. I've truly become attach to all sides of him.

"Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't make me as mad as I am. You bring out an anger I have never felt before" Christian whispered. 

His hand that caressed my face moved down to my neck. His grip tightened around my delicate throat and released a small tense squeeze. I could still breath but the sudden tightness around my neck brought out a gasp within me. My breathing switched to quick short breaths. 

"Jealousy is a feeling for the weak and vulnerable. A man shouldn't feel jealousy because he claims what's his and his property shall remain his property for all time. I claimed you the moment I saw you. You accepted my claim; not like you had a choice in the matter anyway. Yet, I find you surrounded by lustful tempting male eyes; glazing at you like a prized trophy. Yearning over your body as if it hasn't been claimed by the king himself. I have never felt the emotion of Jealousy until tonight. A feeling I WILL NEVER WANT TO FEEL AGAIN! Understood, Adrienne?"

I nodded quickly. No words came out of my mouth but I had plenty to say in my head. I wanted to slap and kiss this man all at the same time! The feminist in me wanted to wring his neck! How dare he tell me I'm luring men in?! All because of a simple outfit? I'm sure he's been with PLENTY OF WOMEN dressed like or worse than me right now. I know like all men that women dressed like this excite him. It shows off confidence and while teasing. My outfit is a bit on the revealing side but "claimed property" or not he cannot control where I go and how I dress. 

But then... there was a side that is burning from his rage but in a good way. The thought of a man like the Serpent being jealous over men looking at me; makes me wild. The Serpent is the most desired man in the world. He is wanted by almost every woman on this earth. Wherever he goes, women throw and parade themselves just to get a night alone with him. One simple look is enough to make any woman obsessed. He didn't choose any random woman when he came here. He chose me. He wanted me. Every day since the ball I've been trying to grasp the fact that I am appealing to him. Christian being jealous of some ordinary men looking at me confirms the notion that was so hard to grasp in the first place. The notion that Christian truly wants me...all of me. There was a battle I was having internally. I didn't know what side of me was dominate. I didn't know if I was upset or turned on.

So I stayed quiet. I didn't want to say something I regret or start something I can't finish. Despite all my feelings and thoughts, he is still The Serpent and playing with a man like him will be your demise. 

"Did you get the answers you desired? Instead of calling me and asking me about the rumors you've heard you decide to trick me out of my office to attend a party?"

"You knew why I was there?" 

"I had a feeling. I've been hearing through the great vine that I'm lusting over the blonde from the party and surprisingly enough we end up at the same event she claims I'm taking her too."

"So if you knew about the rumors, why didn't you say anything? Why stay quiet?"

"I don't waste my time setting the truth. I don't care what people have to say or what rumors are going around about me. Unless it has to do with my money and my position...and you amore, there is nothing I could care about."

"You didn't think I would hear this rumor and think it was true though? I know my approach was questionable but you have to understand that we are on two different levels. No matter how many times you tell me; a man like you doesn't end up being with a girl like me. I'm always going to feel insecure because I know there are hundreds of women out there who are better suited for you. When I heard the rumor...I felt hurt and angry. I just wanted to feel elite for once. Like I'm the big shot."

 I couldn't let Christian see me cry but tears started to swell in my eyes. I've never been in a situation like this before when a man wanted to pursue me. This is all new to me.  I do need reassurance from time to time; I can't help that. I just need Christian to know how difficult this all is for me.

"We're going back to my place." His hands dropped from my neck to the lap. His hand gripped my thigh tightly as he turned off the car and drove off. He didn't say a word after that but I could tell that my confession pissed him off more than I could imagine.

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