Pizza and Wine Date

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After Zane and I talked about almost every detail of last night, he ordered us Postmates. We hung out for a few hours until I had to quite literally kick him out of my house. He wanted to stay over with me and Colby, but I quickly shot that idea down.

I had about an hour before Colby was supposed to be over. I changed into a pair of leggings and kept Colby's shirt on. I threw my hair in a messy ponytail and went back downstairs.

I looked around to make sure everything was clean. I tidied up my kitchen and bathroom. My hair care products were spread throughout my bathroom and room. I cleaned up my room, mainly shoving everything in the closet. I had just finished making the bed when the doorbell rang.

Luna started barking at the door. I quickly ran downstairs and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I opened the door and smiled. "Hi!" I said.

"Hey." He said. He leaned in and kissed me. "I brought pizza and wine." He held up a box of pizza and a bottle of wine.

We both laughed a little. "Come in. I'll grab us some glasses." I walked into the kitchen, grabbing two wine glasses. I walked back into the family room. "So what movie do you want to watch?" I sat next to him and poured us both a glass of wine.

"I was thinking The Vow." He slightly laughed.

"You want to watch The Vow?" I laughed.

"It's a good movie!"

"Colby Brock has a soft side." I smirked.

We started the movie and ate our pizza. About half way through the movie, there was a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"No. I'm not." I got up and opened the door.

"Kenna look, before you kick me out just please, we need to talk." Heath said and walked in. He stopped when he saw Colby on the couch. "What's going on here?"

"We were just in the middle of our date. What do you two need to talk about?" Colby said and stood up.

Heath turned to me, looking more pissed than when he walked in. "A date Kenna?! We haven't talked in less than a week and you're already on a date?! What the hell happened to loving me with everything you had? Was all of that just some made up bullshit to make me feel bad about myself?"

"I dumped you Heath! I was ready to move on! At lease I had the decency to dump you before I went out and kissed someone else!" I yelled back.

"Mariah kissed me! I dropped her as soon as she did! I don't know how she knows everything about you, but I'm not the one who told her anything. I haven't seen her since we broke up. You were too busy screaming at me to let me explain!" I looked down at the floor. "And when I come here, trying to fix this mess because I care about you, and you're with a rebound?"

"A rebound?" Colby asked.

"Oh. She didn't tell you?"

"Leave him out of this Heath." I snapped.

"Oh no Kenna. He needs to know. If you care about him as much as you claim you do." Heath said.

"What is he talking about Kenna?" Colby asked.

"Tell him Kenna. Or should I?"

I shook my head and looked at Colby. Tears were forming in my eyes. "Heath and I broke up a few days ago."

I could tell I just broke him. "So last night? That was all just you distracting yourself from Heath?"

"No! I wanted last night to happen!"

"Of course. The one time I finally get the girl, she's already hooked onto someone else." He looked between the two of us. "I should've known." He walked out.

I looked at Heath. "Go after him. You're not just gonna let him leave like that are you?" He said with a smirk.

"What do you want Heath? What else could you possibly do to ruin my life?" I asked.

"I just came to talk."

"Really? Because it seems like you came to ruin my life!"

"I needed him to leave so we could talk!"

"No Heath! You got jealous that I was with someone else!"

"How am I not supposed to be jealous Kenna?! I came over expecting us to be able to talk and I walk into this shit?! What even happened last night that would make him so important to you all of the sudden?"

"You really wanna know?!"

"That's why I asked!"

"I slept with Colby!"

He looked at me like I was insane. "YOU WHAT?"

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