I pulled away from Blake and gave him a sad smile.

"Because we are going to stay here and eat way too much ice cream for our own good." Blake smiled sadly back at me and I glanced at the time. 9 o'clock.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep right now. All of this," I muttered, referring to Mildred's death, "was a lot to take in." Blake nodded and led me up to his room.

He took his shirt off once the door was shut and I took the few seconds he was turned away to admire his back. When he turned to face me, I dropped my eyes.

"Here," he said quietly, tossing a folded shirt over to me. I caught it and waited until Blake was turned away before pulling my shirt off and tugging Blake's over my head.

I pulled the covers of the bed back and crawled between the sheets. Blake followed my movements and we laid awkwardly at the edges of the bed. I tried to take in a deep breath, but Blake made that hard for me.

I turned onto my side to face him and he did the same. I took in the features that I hadn't admired for so long and my breath caught in my throat.

His bright blue eyes were roaming over every inch of my face. I started to feel embarrassed, so I brought my hand up to cover my it but Blake gently grabbed my wrist and shook his head.

I wanted to trace his immaculate jawline with my fingers but I was afraid of what it would mean if I did. I looked up from his jawline to meet Blake's eyes and I noticed that he still had tears spilling over his eyes. For some reason, I knew it was no longer just because of Mildred.

"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing that it was a stupid question because everything seemed to be wrong right then, except for us.

"Do you miss me?" he whimpered and my heartstrings tugged at his small voice.

"So much."

"Then why won't you come back?"

"I'm here now, aren't I?" I pushed myself into Blake's chest and he wrapped his arms around me silently.

"That's the problem. It's only for now," he whispered and I pretended like I didn't hear him.

I woke up on Monday morning to Blake looking down at me.

"You stayed," he said, just like he had the last time I slept in his bed. I nodded and threw the covers off of me. 

"Where are you going?" His voice was so sad.

"Ice cream," I reassured him. His face lit up and he put a shirt on and followed me down the stairs. We walked into the garage and got into Blake's car. I ran my hands along the dashboard, trying to remember the last time I had sat in it.

"After we all went shopping for the masquerade ball," he told me as if reading my thoughts.

After a little while, we pulled up to the gas station and made our way to the freezers. Blake and I each pulled out two pints of ice cream before buying them and heading back to Blake's house.

After finishing the ice cream and multiple movies, my thoughts drifted back to my letter from Mildred. I picked it up off of the nightstand and turned it over a few times in my hands.

"Can I-" I inhaled deeply. "Can I open this and read it right now?" I asked. Blake nodded and started to get out of the bed. He shut the door after leaving the room. With trembling fingers, I unsealed the envelope and pulled out the letter with Mildred's careless writing.

To the obviously beautiful woman my Blakie has fallen for,

I want you to know that you make him happier than anyone else ever could, even if you make him miserable. Please don't hurt him any further than he has already been hurt and I don't want to see him up here with me, at least not for a long time. If you think you need him more than he needs you, then you need to rethink yourself. He needs you to stay with him more than you can ever imagine. He might flaunt multiple different girls in front of you after a fight, but you need to know that you are the one he wants. 

When you're in the car with him, you need to know that he wants to tell you he loves you. But he won't because he knows that those three words terrify you and he doesn't want to send you running in the opposite direction. I know that you want to tell him you love him, but you won't because you're afraid of what those words will do to the both of you.

Whenever he talks about you, your name rolls off of his tongue like it was the sweetest thing he has ever tasted. Whenever he disappears into the little world in his mind, he is reliving every memory he's had with you. Whether it was his first kiss with you, or the most recent one. Whether it was the first fight with you, or the most recent one. He is reliving every memory you two shared.

Even if another boy whose touch burns your skin comes along, please don't leave the boy who has already fallen for you. Some boys want to kiss you for the fun of it, just because they can. But there is always going to be that boy who has been relishing every moment your lips have been touching his.

Raelene, the beautiful girl my Blakie has fallen for, he stayed by your side for nearly four months even without you saying a single word, don't let go of him because he won't be able to be left again. First, his parents. Then, me. He won't be able to bear losing you.

Even though he frustrates you to no end, please don't give up on him because he won't be able to handle someone leaving him again.

Even though the words 'I love you' scare you to death, say them because you know that he loves you too, even if he tells you he hates you.

Even though he gets lost in his own thoughts for a while, you need to know that it's because of you.

Even though there is always going to be that boy whose lips burns your own, remember that there is a boy out there who wants to kiss you with every inch of his soul.

You give him the high he has been searching for his whole life.

I've always known it was you, Raelene. You were the girl my Blakie has fallen for. I knew he was going to give this letter to you, even without knowing the content of it. I knew it as I wrote the words 'The Woman My Blakie Has Fallen For' on the envelope and Blakie knew it the instant he read the words. I know that he falls for you every day over and over again. I watched it as you ate your burgers in your booth at the diner. I watched it as you had that milkshake race. He falls for you every day, over and over again. Please don't rip that away from him.

Please do two things for this old woman. Don't leave him and make sure he knows you love him.

He loves you more than I have ever seen him love anything.

Keep him happy.


I couldn't breathe. My lungs were being held down by some invisible weight. I tried to inhale, but I was physically unable to. I stood up, the letter still in my trembling fingers. I opened the door and ran out into the hallway and found Blake leaning against the wall. His head was tilted back and he looked at me as he heard his bedroom door open.

"Blake..." I walked down the hallway to stand in front of him.

"She," I waved the letter. "Is the smartest woman I have ever met." Then, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. Instantly, everything in my life seemed to disappear and everything seemed to be where it should be.

* * * * * *

Falling for the Good Boy *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now