"Oh! Except for the shirt," Sonnie laughs as she picks at the hem of the horrendous thing AN: I'm not a Bieber hater! Please don't kill me!, "I walked across the hall with my eyes closed and stole this out of Aecha's closet, because none of my shirts are interesting enough. I think it actually goes quite well with the rest of the outfit, though, don't you think?"

      "Uh- well- sure?" Hobi stutters out, not sure if he should either run for the hills or become her best friend, "I mean, it adds character to your outfit, for sure."

      "Exactly!" Her light brown curls bounce up and down with her as she physically shows her extreme excitement, "The others say that I have terrible taste, but it's them who have terrible taste, isn't it! Not me! Well, except for B. She's stylish. But other than her, everyone else is weird. But you're not!"

      "Thank you?" Hoseok isn't quite sure what to make of the bubbly girl, but with one look back at an exhausted and confused Tae he remembers what they came here for, "Um, hi. I'm Hoseok, and this is Taehyung."

      "Hi Hoseok and Taehyung!" Sonnie giggles, giving a lazy bow in greeting, "I'm Sonnie, your personal ray of sunshine! What can I do for you kind gentlemen?"

      Oh gosh. She's so much like me it's creepy.

      "A-actually, we're looking for someone." Taehyung finally steps forward, timidly handing the energetic girl the photo of 10 year old Byeol, taken only a few weeks before Yoongi had left, "This girl- she's my hyung's little sister, and he's worried to death about her. It's an old picture, she's seventeen now, but it's the last picture he has of her. Have you seen anyone who looks like Byeol?"

      The girl finally stops bouncing to examine the photo, her eyebrows creasing together as she racks her mind. She tilts her head to the side, her kind eyes calculating, before looking up at the two patiently waiting boys.

      "Well-I'm sorry," Sonnie stares back down at the photo, "But this unfortunately looks quite a lot like B. Did you say her name is Byeol?"

      "Y-yeah." Hobi is past surprised when, for the first time today, there is a possibility that someone has recognized her. Hobi briefly wonders how - if this B girl actually turns out to be Byeol after all - Yoongi's sister managed to meet someone so odd, "Her full name's Min Byeol, and she has dark brown eyes and a jagged scar on her collar bone."

      Hoseok recites the few pieces of information that he's come to learn about his hyung's sister over the past couple of months, and Sonnie raises an intrigued eyebrow before whirling back towards the house, her brown curls spinning about her head like a halo with the abrupt movement.

      "JEE-JEE!" Sonnie shouts into the house, making Taehyung and Hoseok jump in surprise, "I NEED YOU!"

      "I'M BUSY, ASK AECHA!" A slightly deeper, yet still feminine voice yells back, sounding quite angry with the way her thrumming tone bounces off the walls.

      "IT'S IMPORTANT!" Sonnie yells right back, unperturbed. A satisfied smile alights on her face when she receives a muffled 'I'm coming', and she flashes a happy grin to the two boys waiting on her doorstep, "Don't mind her. She's got a lot on her plate right now, so she's a little on the grumpy side. Usually she's as sweet as a cupcake!"

      "What is it?" A slightly taller girl, with midnight black hair pulled into a pony tail, steps out of the already open front door, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the boys. Unabashedly, she stares blankly at the two strangers standing in front of them, examining the two nervous boys with a displeased frown, "I don't want any girl scout cookies, thank you."

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