Chapter 24

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You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey


We sat in Aiden's room for about an hour and finished the main idea and the notes for the project. "What time is it?" I asked him as I stood up from the bed to stretch my muscles "nearly 7" He replied me and I just nodded my head. "I need to get home, dad is going to be late today-" "I know, I read the note on your fridge too" he said and I just nodded sheepishly "right, sorry" and gathered my things moving towards the door. "Well I should go now" I mumbled "Wait" he said and grabbed his keys from near the door. "I'll drop you" he said as he moved past me to get his car. "You dont really have to, I can walk. I like walking, gives you time to think" I muttered to him and he put his keys in his pocket. "Ok then, lets walk" he said as he gestured me to start walking. Deciding not to argue with him further I just started to walk. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked Aiden after about a minute of silent walking and he hummed in response. "Why are you being nice to me?" he turned to look at me and then went back to staring ahead "because" was his reply. I decided not to push it and just keep walking. After about 20 minutes of walking in silence he slowly moved his hand onto my hand and interlinked our fingers. I looked down at out hands and then back up at him but he kept looking ahead as if he hadn't just done that. A small smile made its way onto my face as I sighed in contentment "you know, sometimes the people you expect  the least from end up doing the most for you." I spoke to no one in particular looking up at the stars. He replied me with an answer that took me completely by surprise "so you expected alot from Adam?" And I just swallowed before clenching my fists, forgetting that our hands were interlinked. "He is a nobody" I seethed through my teeth and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze "don't worry, will talk when you're ready" "I will never be ready" I spoke in anger and removed my hand from his. "Please don't hold my hand like that again" I mumbled looking down at the pavement this time and he stopped me from walking by standing infront of me "why? Does it bother you?" He asked and I lightly pushed him out of the way as I started walking again "keep walking" I replied him and kept on walking straight without looking behind. He caught on with me pretty quick and repeated his question "why does it bother you?" "Because" I mimicked him from earlier. He sighed in defeat knowing he had lost this argument and changed the topic "did you eat?" He questioned him and I nodded my head "yes, breakfast and lunch" I grinned at him and he just shook his head. "You need to eat, three times a day like every other normal person." He finishes just as my house came in view. "Ok sir" I mocked him giving him a small salute. My smile soon turned into frown as I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside my house. "What's wrong?" Aiden asked seeing my studden change of mood. "Who is this? This isnt my dad's car and we never have visitors" I explained him turning to look at him. Suddenly my dad's words rang in my mind 'you're week ends tomorrow' "oh no!" I exclaimed "what?" Aiden's response came back quick. I couldn't tell him. I wasnt even sure what I was thinking was right or not. I cant drag him into this. If dad see's him, there's no doubt he'll try to hurt him to and I couldnt let that happen. "I forgot, its my dad's girlfriend, she usually comes by at this hour to you know-" I finised my sentence with a fake smile, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Aiden took a  breath of relief "ok, means you'll be safe tonight." I just nodded not letting my inner turmoil affect him. I started walking up the stairs towards my door and he stood behind with his hands in his pocket waiting for me to go inside "goodnight" I mumbled to him giving him a small wave and he saluted me with a two fingers I took a deep breath hoping what I was thinking to be wrong and opened the door. As I closed the door behind me I was hit with a smell of chicken and pasta. Furrowing my eyebrows I made my way into the kitchen to see who was cooking "honey you're home, look what I ma-" she stopped speaking as she turned around from the stove and saw me instead of dad. I released a breath I didnt know I was holding as she started to sneer at me "oh! It's you, I thought it was Bill" I ignored what she said and turned around to walk up the stairs into my bedroom. I closed the door and jumped straight into my bed not caring about my clothes and hugged my pillow close to me. Dad let her in our house. She was cooking just like mom did. Why is dad doing this? My thoughts then trailed over to Aiden what happened last night, then this morning, then breakfast and lunch. His closeness to me. What did all this meant? Why was I feeling all different? There was something in a pit of my stomach. I felt different. I felt safe. And with that being my last thought I closed my eyes and fell into deep slumber.

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