Chapter 6

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Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

-----Will Smith


Morning came by faster than I thought, I woke up groaning because of the pain in my back. I had fallen asleep with my back pressed against the wall last night, and now it was as stiff as a board. I carefully got up and looked around the room for any sign of Aiden but there wasn't one. What the hell happened last night? I didn't say anything to offend him that much except from the truth. 'But you've never seen him with a girl, how can you judge him so quickly?' okay my brain had a point there. Maybe I shouldn't have said that to him, maybe I was wrong. Making a mental note to apologize to him the next time I saw him, I headed towards the hall where the clock was hung, looking at the time it was 6 and school started at 8 which meant I had time to go home, get ready and come back. Hoping my father would be gone by the time I reached home, I started walking towards the entrance door to find it already open. 'maybe Aiden left already.' God, he really was angry I guess.

Arriving at the house fear consumed me as I saw my dads car still parked outside, gulping, I walked towards the door and carefully opened it. I poked my head inside to see no one in sight, relief consumed me as I opened the door and took slow and cautious step inside the house, mentally begging that the tile doesnt creak or my father doesn't come out. As I was about to take the last step on the stairs upto my room loud voice boomed from behind me, "Stop right there? you bitch" making me jump in fear causing my foot to slip, thus, making me to roll all the way down the stairs, I mewled a bit in pain while my father just held my hair rather tightly as he screamed in my ear. "where the fuck have you been?" he hissed through clenched teeth. "I-I... Ummm" I stuttered. "you what?" when I remained silent his grip on my hair tightened even more, if that was even possible, and he pulled my head almost all the way back, for a moment I thought he's going to break my neck, "Ahhhh-hh.. please-e" I whimpered in protest. "I asked you a question, where the fuck were you? not that I care, but why wasn't my dinner made when I arrived home last night" " I was stuck-k inside t-the school-l last night-t, I had a r-report to finish and I lost-t track of time-e. I am sorry-y, Ahhh pleas-e" I tried to free his hand from my hair, but failing miserably as his hand only tightened further, I was sure my hair would be ripped out of my skull if he didnt loosen his grip soon. "you lieing bitch, I know you were whoring around somewhere, I dont care what you do or where you go, as long as you prepare my food on time, did you find any job?" he asked a bit softer and released my hair only a little. Sighing in relief I quickly answered him wanting him to let go my hair, "I have seen some places but havent got a chance to check them out. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise" "You have a week to get yourself a job or i'll give you a job myself and you wont have to whore around the streets anymore because then you'll get plenty at home. Do I make myself clear?" he asked venomously with an evil glint in his eyes. "yes yes, you do" I answered quickly begging him to let go my hair, he momentarily tightened his grip on my hair and then let them go at once making me fall back down on the floor, kicking me in the ribs he looked down at me with disgust before walking away. Sighing in relief that he didnt hit me much, I crawled upstairs and touched the back of my head only to feel a lump of my hair pushed outwards. I hissed in pain when my head started to hurt and made my way towards the bathroom to get ready for school.


As soon as the bell rung signalling lunch time, I made my way out of the class. When I arrived this morning I was determined to find Aiden and apologize to him, but when I couldn't spot him next to Ace in break, I finally came to the conclusion that he skipped school today. 'guess i'll have to wait till tomorrow.' Sighing in disappointment I made my way towards an empty table near the dumpster and sat down. After about 5minutes my peaceful eating was disturbed by a grinning Ace. "Whatsup egghead?" he asked using my oh-so stupid nickname. Not bothering to correct him I got straight to the point. "what do you want?" "only the most beautiful women in the world, and the most fastest car, and the a big bungalow, ohh ofcourse, a blue anaconda an-" he started babbling using his hand to describe each thing, but I cut him off before he got any further. "STOP! I meant what the hell are you doing here? what do you want from me" I asked emphasizing the me. But spoke again before he could "wait! did you just say you want a blue anaconda?" I asked in disbelief. He gave me a sheepish shy smile as he answered "I always wanted a blue anaconda and name it dolly" I giggled a little before answering "you want to name a big dangerous animal 'dolly'? " I giggled again making him pout. "What? I like dolly's" he exclaimed making my giggle turn into full laugh, recovering quickly after a few coughs I spoke again "you are one weird guy, you know. Anyways what do you want from me?" He looked confused for a second and scratched the back of his head, making me role my eyes, after about a minute of thinking his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he snapped his fingers infront of my face. "Ahh.. yes! I wanted to inform you that there is a party tonight at my place." he said "and what am I suppose to do?" I asked frowning not understanding why he was telling me this. "To come" he said but then frowned as the people near our table started laughing. He quickly added flipping them off. "I meant come to my party you bloody dirty minders, not like come as in come." he snapped at the people. "what?" I asked feeling out of the loop. What the hell were they talking about? In return I was only greeted with laugh. "forget it, they are dirty minded people" he said scowling their way. "anyways, I want you to come to my party, tonight, my friend Mike, is coming back from his home town, and I am throwing him a welcome back party" he explained, but I was already shaking my head half way between. "I am not coming to your party, it's a school night, and I dont like parties anyways." I added on. "No, you are coming and thats final." "I'm sorry Ace but this is something you cant pursuade me in. I am not coming. End of discussion." I said a little sternly. Ace pouted for a minute before flashing me his evil smile, he stood up on the table and clapped his hands loudly. "LISTEN HERE PEOPLE, our little egghead here has decides not to come to this party, I want you all to persuade her, or the party is cancelled" he yelled making my jaw dropped. Instantly people started shouting some even begging me to go. Groaning a little I put my hands on my ears and muttered a fine to Ace who only grinned in triumph and calmed everyone down while doing a little weird happy dance on the table, with his hands on his bum as he shook it while yelling "ohh yeah" repeatedly to people as they passed by. Shaking my head at him walked off to my class with a small smile on my face. 'Guess, I'm going to this party after all.'


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