Chapter 23

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Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.

– Will Rogers

I entered Aiden's house around 5 in the evening tired from going around the town hunting for jobs and the first thing I heard was "now now now, just a minute, you must understand my dear, on the stroke of 12, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before" I furrowed my eyebrows together. Is Aiden watching cinderella in there? I gasped at my own thinking. A giggle escaped my mouth at the thought of the school's bad boy  watching cinderella. I quietly made my way inside careful not to make too much noise as I entered the living room, I saw a little figured sprawled across the sofa munching on candy with her blue twinkling eyes glued to the tv watching with excitement. I walked towards her as I cleared my throat to grap her attention. "Hi" I said as I smiled at the little girl who was now looking at me with surprise "hi" she mumbled shyly "who are you?" She intrigued and I ruffled her hair as I spoke "my name is Isabella, but you can call me Ella" I said and she gave a toothy grin and pushed her hand out "my name is Mia and I'm six years old" she told me holding 6 fingers up. Smiling I shook her hand and sat down next to her. "Are you watching cinderella?" I looked at her and gestured towards the tv. She bobbed her head up and down making her curly hair bounce aswell. "Mind if I watch with you?" I asked and she patted the seat next to her "come on" she said "we are missing the main part" she squealed and I laughed as I sat next to her and for the longest time we both just sat there watching cinderella and Mia discussing every little thing she loves about cinderella and how she wants the same dress for her next birthday. She was really cute and her eyes reminded me of a certain someone. We chatted away for about half and hour before she got up from the sofa "do you want to play with my barbies?" She asked me and I nodded my head in response I use to love barbies when I was a child "ok lets go then" she pulled me up by my arm and I tried not to let it affect me and took me upstairs towards her room. It was a pink room, white curtains were the only thing you could see which didnt have pink on it otherwise everywhere you look you could see barbies and pink. It described Mia perfectly. With excitement in her eyes she sat down and pulled a box out from under her bed. It had different barbies and clothes in it. Mia excitedly explained me everything and the game she wanted to play and before I knew it I was laughing and playing with her, enjoying my time after a long long time.

After almost an hour of playing with Mia she was now fast asleep in my lap. I ran my hand through her hair as I picked her up and layed her down on her bed and covered her up with a blanket. I quietly turned around but jumped at the sudden sight of Aiden standing near the door with his arms and legs crossed as he looked at me with what I assumed was admiration in his eyes. I quickly put my finger on my lips signalling him to be quiet as I turned the light off and moved past him going towards the staircase with him following me. "She is very cute" I said as I took a few steps down. "Yeah" he mumbled. "Is she your sister?" I asked as I walked towards the kitchen and opened the cabinet to get a glass but unable to reach it. I jumped at Aiden's voice so near my ear as he moved his hand up  his front touching my back and took out the glass for me "how did you know?" He asked as I turned around and moved past him towards the bottle of water "she has your eyes and her nose is exactly like yours, besides she is in your house" I said teasingly as I tried to get passed his electrifying touches. Aiden just nooded and I could see a faint smile on his face. "Mrs Daniels takes her with her whenever she goes on a bussiness trip, I saw her today after 2 weeks" Aiden said bitterly. "Her school?" I asked "she's home schooled, Mrs Daniels said she will send her to school when she turns 12, when she will be able to take of herself" he said shaking his clearly wanting to drop the subject. I didnt say anything for a while clearly noticing his bitter tone towards Mrs Daniels, was she his mom? If so why does he address her as that and if she isnt her mom who is she then? I had so many questions in my mind and decided to take a chance and ask him the most obvious one "who's mrs Daniels?" I asked as quietly as I could and by the way his shoulder tensed up I could tell he heard me clear "my step mom" is all he said before tightly fisting his hands making his knuckles go white. I nodded slightly then my eyes went wide at a sudden realisation "your-r mo-om?" I strutted and walked towards Aiden "that-t m-means-s she is-s here-e, but me-e?" I said clearly my breathing getting ragged. Aiden slowly got up noticing my discomfort and started walking towards me making me walk backwards aswell, "I-I you-u" I strutted as my back hit the counter and Aiden put both his hands on either side of the counter trapping me in and looked at me in the eyes. He didnt say anything but I was sure he could hear my erratic heart beat. He looked in my eyes and then towards my lips and bent his head down a little and I quickly turned my face the other way. Aiden slowly brought his hand upto my chin and lightly turned my face back towards him. By now I was flushed and I was sure my face was completely red. I closed my eyes and felt his lips next to my ear "she's my step mom and don't worry about her, I will take care of you" he said and then pressed his lips to my forehead before pulling back and standing close to me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. "You didn't stop me from touching you Again" he said like he made an achievement. Still unable to say anything I just nodded dumbly and I saw a small smile on Aiden's face. "You smiled" I noted and Aiden quickly changed his expression, "no" he grumbled and I took that opportunity to push his rock solid chest making him stumble back a bit, I quickly opened the door of the kitchen and made my way out towards the garden. I stopped outside and released a breath that I didnt know I was holding. What just happened? I thought what surprised me more was that I was slowly getting used to Aiden's touch. I didnt feel that quick need to pull my hand away from him or felt like hyperventilating. Subconsciously I put my hand on my forehead still feeling the tingling feeling of Aiden's lips there. What the hell is happening to me? I thought as took a deep breath to control my nerves. "If your done, fantasizing about me, why dont you come back inside so we can start some work." Aiden yelled from the kitchen door and I just showed him my angry face.  "I am not fantasizing about you" I yelled back trying to hide my grin and he just shook his head and head back inside and this time I followed him inside.

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