Chapter 20

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“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”
          — Walt Disney

The rest of the way I just pretty much watched the trees go by ignoring the tension in the car. Aiden refused to talk and whenever I went on to say something he just never answered 'what's wrong with him' I huffed in frustration and went back to looking outside the window. He stopped the car a block away from my house and I looked over at him confused as he unbuckled his seat belt and gestured me to do the same.
"What are you doing? This isnt my house" I questioned him with a frown on my face. "Come on, lets go" he said with a little too much energy and I just looked at him even more confused. "Are you bi-polar?" I managed to ask him and he glared at me "No" he replied bluntly, "then what's wrong with you?" I questioned him again and not waiting for a reply I carried on talking "did u fall on your head when you were a baby? Cause thats the only thing I can think off, one minute your all sweet and caring and then the next your like hard cold stone, why? And then these clothes, why do you wear these? I gestured to his clothes "why all black? do you think this makes you look hot. I mean your good looking as it is you dont need to wear black clothes to show people your hot" I asked genuinely intrigued and he just glared at me in response and my eyes widened realising what I just said " I am so so so sorry, I dont what came over me and I start rambling maybe I'm possessed, lets forget this conversation ever occurred" I said as my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. He rolled his eyes at me "you're not possessed now get out" he said bluntly. I was relieved that he didnt comment on the good looking part since I have no idea where it came from. I jumped out of the car as quick as I can before embarrassing myself even more "why  are we walking?" I questioned him again, as we started walking towards the direction of my house, He just nodded in the direction in front of him "because I'm sure you dont want your dad to see a random boy dropping you off at this hour." he simply answered making me tensed up the rest of the walk.


5 minutes later we were standing outside my house and I was scared since my Dad's car was already parked outside. My hands started sweating and became clammy as I held onto the dish in my hand tighter, "he's already home" I whispered over to Aiden, but my voice came out a little raspy and scared. Aiden turned towards me and clenched his hands tightly for a minute before he brought it upto my face and I jumped back in reflex, I knew Aiden would never hurt me, he was trying to help me, But I couldnt help it as it was reflex, I've lived with that for past few years, the only time someone brought up their hand was to hit me and even though I could see that his eyes went cold and angry for a second before he went back to his usual blank expression I couldn't help but feel a little guilty "He wont touch you." He said with an icy cold tone that even shocked me. "You have to go" I whispered in a bit of a hurry, he looked at me with 'are-you-kidding me' look before he walked towards a tree next to my house, it was tall and went passed my room's window. He turned to me and said one line that nearly made me drop the food in my hand. "I'll be upstairs waiting for you, give him food and come upstairs" I stood there shocked for a minute before I whispered shouted at him "are you crazy? Aiden if my dad see's you or even sense's you in there, he will murder me and you, please you have to go, right now." I practically begged him to come down as he had already started climbing the tree. "Listen, I'm not going anywhere till your up in your room safe, you give him food and come up and then I'll go, promise and no matter what you say, I'm not going, so go in now" I went on to speak again but he cut me off before that "no, I'm not going" I huffed in frustration and looked over at him sternly "ok fine, but dont come downstairs no matter what, ok? Pinky promise me that you will not come downstairs" I had to take that promise because I knew what was about to happen inside, and if Aiden came downstairs it will only make things worse for me and him, so I needed the reassurance that he wont be coming to my rescue. Aiden thought for a minute before sighing "ok, I wont" he reassured me. I released a breath I didnt know I was holding and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans one by one before walking towards my front door. I took out my keys from my jeans pocket and carefully making sure not to drop the food I opened the door. My heart was racing, and I went inside and closed the door behind me, I made my way into the kitchen and put the food down, I slowly called out his name not knowing where he is "D-Dad-d" I strutted, and instantly heard flurry in his room, within minutes his bedroom door opened and he slammed it shut behind him before walking over to me, I jumped a little from the noise of the door but managed to make myself look calm anyway. He came towards me and spoke so quietly that it made chills go down my spine "where have you been?" He asked icly "I-I the-e-" I stuttered as I took a step back trying to put some distance between us, but he just walked right up to my face again and held my hair tightly pulling it back so that my head was tilted back and I was looking up at him. "Been whoring around again?" He pulled my hair tighter causing a whimper to be escaped from my mouth, I was careful not to make any loud noise since I knew Aiden was upstairs. Suddenly I was pushed into the kitchen with alot of force and my head hit the back of the kitchen door, I let out a small cry and slid down towards the floor, but he wasn't done yet. He came foward and started taking of his belt, my eyes widen in horror as I thought of what he might be about to do, but I couldnt say anything, I had formed a lump in my throat and no words managed to come out of my mouth. Much to my relief he didn't pull his jeans down but instead just held his belt in his hand smirking at me. "Your week ends tomorrow my sweet sweet daughter and I will have you doing nothing but whoring around like you love to." he winked at me and then I heard a light 'soosh' in the air and his belt came in contact with my arm. I let out a loud cry and mentally prayed for Aiden to stay up there. After about 20 hits and seeing my red and purple body he smirked in satisfaction before taking a few steps back and admiring his work, I was on the floor in fetal position with my arm on face trying to protect myself, I screamed as he kicked me on my ribs and bent down speaking "next time you get home on time" and with that he grabbed his keys which were hanging near the kitchen door and his coat and head out slamming the door on his way, not even a second later I heard footsteps running downstairs and I looked through my blurry eyes to see Aiden coming towards me. He was angry, his shoulder tense and rigid his eyes wide and cold as he looked at me, he ran towards me and cradled me in his arms "hey" I whispered giving him a small sad smile and then for the first time ever I saw Aiden smiling back at me, It wasnt a big smile, it was very faint reassuring smile. He picked me up bridal style and I hissed as his finger touched my bruise and he let go immediately, "where does it hurt?" He asked quietly and "everywhere" was the answer I manage to give him. He just shook his head in extreme anger as he mumbled something like "i'm going to kill him" before standing up and going into the kitchen he came back with a glass of water and pulled out a tablet from his pocket slowly putting it in my mouth, he then brought up the glass to my lips and I gulped down almost all of it instantly. He then tried to pick me up again and even though it still hurt but I let him, he laid me down on the sofa and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before speaking "you feeling ok, sweetie?" He said it with so much love and comfort that it was hard not to cry at the moment, I nodded a yes and he took that as his cue to continue "ok, well I'm going to lift up your shirt, I need to see how bad it is" I stopped him by putting my hands on top of his and shaking my head. Aiden gave me a faint smile before speaking, "I need to see, so that I can call an ambulance" he said slowly like talking to a child and I just shook my head no with widened eyes, "please no, don't please" my voice came out raspy and he just sighed before standing up "be right back" he said before trying to make his way out and I held onto his hand and he looked back at me "please dont, please" I begged him and he nodded his eyes, "I wont but I need to order medicine for you, pain killers arnt enough" I refused to let him go as I tugged onto his hand again "please dont go, stay with me" and he ran a hand through his hair before sitting down on the chair opposite me and putting my hand in his lap while stroking my knuckles with his thumb. "Close your eyes, sleep Bella. I'm right here" he said and for once in so many years I felt safe, I felt calm and I wasn't on the edge. I closed my eyes content and fell into blackness.

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