Chapter 28

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Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
  - George Bernard Shaw

I could hear faint noises in the room as I slowly opened my eyes, I looked down to see myself laying on my bed and I squinted my eyes as I looked around the house and then it all dawned on me, everything came back. Dad, the belt, his friends and Aiden. I slowly sat up trying to find Aiden but my body hurted so much that I could barely move it. Within a few minutes I heard footsteps coming my way and I whimpered not knowing who it was. "Please dont touch me" I mumbled over and over again. I heard Aiden's soothing voice. "It's me Bella" I slowly brought my hand down, and looked over to see all three Aiden, Ace and Mickey hovering over me with a worried and concern look attached on their faces, "water" I said groggily. Aiden looked over at Ace and he was quick on his feet to go to the kitchen, "Ella, all your stuff is in the car and we were just waiting for you to wake up, lets go, we're leaving" Aiden glared at Mickey as he said those words, and I looked over at Aiden. "what?" I asked looking between the both of them. "Where's dad?" I asked Aiden, I was worried that he had handed him over to the police or something. Aiden tensed for a second before holding my hand "I knocked him out and now all his friends and him are locked in the room next door " I sighed in relief, feeling safe and then looked over at Mickey "why do you have my stuff packed?" He was about to speak but was cut of by Ace "there you go princess Ella, The water that you asked for your majesty" he handed it over to me doing a little a bow, It almost made me smile faintly and I accepted the the glass of water with a nod "Thank you" I said as I started to chug it down. I handed the glass back to Ace who put it on the table near him before sitting down next to me "you ok Ella? I never thought that your dad could do this to you, he is your dad, he's suppose to take care of you" he looked at me with a sad face, I gave him a sad smile before looking down playing with my fingers "he's not that bad" I whispered  and looked upto see Mickey's expressions changing as he looked at me with anger, "its hard to believe uncle Bill could do this" he shook his head in disbelief and Aiden's head snapped towards him. "You know him?" He asked more like threatened him to speak up, Mickey went silent for a second before looking at me silently asking for my approval, I slowly nodded my head at him to go ahead and say it "I know Isabella from long before, we use to be best friends, we grew up together but I had to move because of my dad" he told Aiden. "I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner, I never thought uncle Bill" he stopped talking and shook his head in anger, Aiden kept quiet the whole time and then suddenly got up and walked out. I looked at his back as he walked out of the door and a pang of hurt stabbed me in my chest. Mickey gave me an apologetic smile before running after him. "You like him don't you?" Ace pulled my attention back to him, I looked over at him and he smiled at me with a little sadness in his eyes "Like who?" I replied with my eyebrows furrowed together. "Aiden" he simply answered and I shook my head no as fast as I could "are you crazy? No I dont like him, he just happened to helped me" as I said those words I felt like I was trying to convince myself more rather than him "You like him Isabella" this was the first time Ace called me by my name and to be honest I didn't like it. I sort off got use to him calling me an egghead or Ella. I looked over at him only to see him staring down at the floor "no Ace, I dont like him, you misunderstood, he just helped me thats all, we cant stand each other otherwise, he hates me" He shook his head, and looked at me "you know Ella, life just isn't fair, it has given me million reasons to cry and suffer but when I found that one reason, the reason which almost made it all worth it. which made me want to smile, laugh and enjoy life fully again, it seems like life or God just doesnt want that yet" he said as he looked at me with sad, nearly tearful eyes. "What do you mean by that? And That's not true Ace, maybe that reason just wasnt meant to be right now, maybe God has something better planned for you, something absolutely amazing which will make you forget everything that you went through" I tried explaining him making sure not to poke my nose into his matter, when he will be ready, he will tell me himself. He opened his mouth to respond but just then Mickey walked back in with Aiden behind him, I raised my eyebrow up at Mickey inorder to ask him if everything is okay and he gave me a reassuring smile back. "Lets go" Ace spoke up as he got up and patted his jeans and then lowered his head as he walked out "I'm waiting, outside" he said as he walked out. "What happened to him?" Mickey asked and Aiden raised his eyebrow at me questioningly "nothing, he is ok, just had a little heart to heart" I told them with a shrug, being careful not to spill too much. They both shared a look with each other before Aiden decided to speak "come on, lets go before that man wakes up" "he's my father Aiden, and I cant just leave him" I responded with a little angry tone. Aiden looked at me angrily but before he could say anything Mickey went on to say "Isabella, do you not understand how dangerous he is? he could have killed you today, You need to come with us, please" sighing in defeat I just noded by head. He was right as much as I want my old dad back. It wasnt happening especially after today, he showed that he has changed and he no longer thinks of me as a daughter. I stood up to leave "give me a minute" I mumbled as I walked passed them towards my cupboard to grab one dusty album from under my bed and quietly walked back down the stairs "let's go" I mumbled to them and made my way towards the car, where Ace was already sitting in the back seat, deep in his thoughts and a frown attached to his face, he was so deep in his thoughts that he didnt even notice that I opened the door and sat next to him. A few minutes later Aiden and Mike joined us. Aiden sat down in the drivers seat and looked back at me from the rear veiw mirror, our eyes met and it was like nothing around us mattered anymore, my stomach churned and I suddenly felt very self conscious. I forced myself to look away from him and after a few minutes Aiden pulled out of the driveway towards God knows where.

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