Chapter 42

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“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
– Mother Teresa


Isabella's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes, it felt like I had been hit by a bus. My head was pounding, eyes were hurting and I was feeling as if I was in antartica. I slowly got up from the bed ignoring the ache that went through my body. I was still in last night's dress and my hair felt like it was replaced with ropes. I slowly looked around, this isn't Aiden's house. Just saying his name brought back so many memories. The date. Amelia. And the kiss. How can I forget the kiss. my heart ached at that. I slowly got out of bed. Grabbed a random t-shirt from the cupboard along with some boxers and made my way into the bathroom for a long hot shower.

"Look the princess is awake" Ace chuckled and Mike switched off the tv turning his attention to me.

"Dont speak so loud" I grumbled at him. "do you have any medicine for this headache?" I asked him again and he handed me two pills along with water. "I'm never drinking again" I spoke to no one in particular sitting down and putting my head on the kitchen counter. It was cold and that helped ease the pain.

"Hi" Mike spoke rather cautiously.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked them both looking up at them for a split second and then laying my head back down. Their heads snapped towards each other. "I remember the date, and then Amelia and Aiden coming here and umm" I gulped not wanting to say it. "The kiss" I finished looking between them. "You dont remember anything after?" Mike asked. I shook my head. "Well I have this foggy memory of being on an empty road and finding a bottle of alcohol. I dont even know which one it was." I mumbled down embarrassed in the marble slab.

"Why the hell am I so cold" I spoke and right on the cue I sneezed. "You might have caught a cold. You should go back in bed and we'll get you some soup and medicines" Mike said and I just nodded.

"Where's Aiden?" I asked rather cautiously and they both did another double take at each other. "He wanted to be here. We told him not to come. We didn't think you want him here." Ace spoke cautiously.  And I nodded again. "Okay" I simply said followed by another sneeze.

"Back in bed Ella" they both said in unison and I rose my eyebrow at them.

"Being twins are we" I said chuckling and they just rolled their eyes. I slowly got up making my way towards the stairs. "I'm hungry, hurry up on the soup" I fake demanded.

"On it maam" Ace saluted me and and I laughed making my way upstairs.

I grabbed my phone from the night stand I had no messages or calls from Aiden. Shall I call him? I didnt know what was I suppose to say to him or ask him? I was hurt and angry but I also needed him. He was the only one who kept me sane. He was the only one who cared. He was the only one I trusted. I groaned out loud tossing the phone on the side and getting under the blanket. If he wants to talk. He can call me.


After an hour of trying to get some sleep, I gave up and sat up on the bed with my phone in my hand.
Shall I call him? Is he okay? Is he with Amelia? Questions ran through my mind as I pondered over whether I should just suck up and call him.

"Here is your soup" Ace's voice broke me out of my trance and I looked up at him giving him a fake smile.

"Thanks" I mumbled up to him.

"How you feeling?" He ask putting his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"I'm much better" I lied through my teeth and he nodded not questioning it.

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